Inspiring Creative Writing in Young People: A Step-by-Step Guide

Inspiring Creative Writing in Young People A Step-by-Step Guide

In this step-by-step creative writing guide, we’ll share our best practices for inspiring and helping our children and students to write creatively. From setting the stage to editing and revising, we’ll give you the tools and techniques you need to help them improve their writing skills and let their creativity shine. By following the steps, strategies, prompts, exercises and activities in this article, your children can enhance their writing skills and learn to express themselves in their own unique voice.

We believe that creative writing is an essential skill for children to learn. Not only does it help them develop their communication skills, but it also allows them to express their ideas in unique ways, to encourage their imagination and to build their language skills. By teaching creative writing, we can also help our children to develop critical thinking skills and foster a love of writing that can last a lifetime.

Table of Contents

Why Teach Creative Writing to Kids?

Creative writing is an essential skill that can benefit children in many ways. Here are some of the key benefits of teaching creative writing to kids:

  • Develop Language Skills: By writing stories, children can learn new vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar.
  • Improve Communication Skills: Writing allows children to express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner.
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: By creating stories, children learn to think critically, develop problem-solving skills, and improve their ability to analyze and interpret information.
  • Encourage Imagination: Writing allows children to explore their imaginations and develop their creativity.
  • Build Confidence: Writing can be a powerful tool for building self-esteem and confidence.

How to Prepare for a Creative Writing Lesson

Before you start teaching creative writing, you need to prepare for your lesson. Here are some key steps to take:

  • Choose Your Topics: Decide on the type of writing you want to teach, such as short stories, poetry, or non-fiction.
  • Set Objectives: Establish clear learning objectives for your lesson, such as improving grammar or developing creative thinking skills.
  • Create a Lesson Plan: Develop a lesson plan that includes the steps you will take to achieve your learning objectives.
  • Gather Materials: Collect any materials you will need for your lesson, such as writing prompts, notebooks, pens, and reference materials.

Step 1: Setting the Stage

When teaching creative writing, it’s important to set the stage for success and create the right environment. To start, introducing the topic and explaining the assignment’s goals can be very helpful for giving students a framework to work within. By telling them why the writing exercise is important, they will understand its value and how they can benefit from it.

By setting up these expectations early on, you are giving your students clear direction while also allowing them room to explore their own ideas and express themselves freely with creativity. This combination of structure but also freedom helps foster a sense of accomplishment as well as encourages exploration that may lead to unexpected results!

Step 2: Brainstorming and Ideation

Next, get your students involved in generating ideas! Brainstorming can be done individually or in groups – whichever works best for your class – but encourage them to come up with a list of topics that they are passionate about or interested in exploring through their writing. By doing this, you create an environment where creativity has room to blossom while also giving structure.

To help guide this process, give your students resources such as books, articles, videos, writing prompts, photos or objects as inspiration. Encourage them to think differently and develop something unexpected and captivating. At this stage of the writing process there are no wrong answers – let them explore different angles without worrying about if they’re on track or not. Opening up possibilities can be challenging but also eye-opening; engaging in activities like freewriting can encourage creativity by allowing thoughts to flow freely without judgement or expectation from others.

Step 3: Creating the Plot

Once your students have come up with some ideas, it’s time to get the plot rolling! This means constructing a narrative that has an introduction, middle section and conclusion. Encourage your students to use a plot diagram or storyboard as an organizational tool. This will give their ideas structure and help them put all the pieces together into a story that makes sense.

It’ll be like putting together a puzzle – each part makes sense on its own but when put together correctly, they form something beautiful! By using these tools during this crucial step in developing their stories, you can ensure your students are creating a cohesive and engaging story, something truly special.

Step 4: Developing Characters

When it comes to creative writing, developing characters is an essential part of the process. Characters are like the beating heart of a story; they should be engaging and realistic so that readers can connect with them on a deeper level. As an educator, you have the opportunity to help your students create characters who come alive in their stories by providing prompts that will encourage them to think outside of the box and develop unique personalities for each character.

Writing prompts like “Tell us about the backstory of your character” or “What drives this particular character?” give children plenty of room for creativity while also helping guide their thoughts towards fleshing out more intricate details about each person in their story. You can even recommend creating detailed profiles with information about physical appearance, family background, and other important aspects – these small details add up quickly when it comes time to bring these creations to life!

By getting kids to think deeply about what makes each character in their story world tick, you give them valuable tools they can use at all stages of storytelling, from coming up with ideas to finishing the story. With some guidance along with plenty chances for exploration and imagination-building exercises at hand, there’s no limit as far as how much depth children can achieve when crafting believable characters that draw readers in completely every time!

Step 5: Setting the Scene

Creating an engaging and vivid scene is a key component of creative writing that can help children to craft captivating stories. As a teacher, you can help them get better at describing things by giving them ideas for how to think about and talk about places. Examples of good descriptive writing should be given so they understand how to use sensory details such as sight, sound, smell and touch accurately.

To encourage students further, ask questions about the setting they have created – what does it look like? How do people feel when entering the space? What sounds or smells fill the air? This will get children thinking more deeply about their descriptions and make sure that readers are able to really visualize the scene they’ve written down on paper.

Finally, provide feedback on how well your students have crafted their settings! Ask if there are any other elements which could be included in order for it become even more immersive or believable – this will show your pupils that you value creativity within their work while also helping them refine existing ideas into something truly special!

Step 6: Writing the First Draft

Writing the first draft of a story is an exhilarating and stimulating experience for children. It’s their opportunity to bring their ideas to life and craft them into words. As a teacher, you can help your students take this leap by inspiring their creativity and encouraging experimentation with different types of storytelling elements such as dialogue, description or action.

This will allow them to create stories that are dynamic in nature while also helping build up their courage when it comes time for them to put pen (or keyboard) to paper so they can express themselves freely without worrying about making mistakes along the way. With your guidance they’ll be able develop characters and settings more vividly than ever before – all while having fun!

Step 7: Editing and Revising

Revising and editing are crucial steps in the creative writing process that give children a chance to perfect their work. As an educator, you can provide feedback and direction that assists kids in recognizing where they need to make changes for improvement.

You can do this by reading over what they’ve written and giving precise comments on grammar, punctuation, sentence formation, or story development. You can also motivate students to revise their pieces by providing them with clear instructions as well as examples of effective revision tactics.

This kind of advice will help young writers become more sure of themselves and better at revising and editing. Through your instruction they will gain an appreciation for how making small adjustments here-and-there makes all the difference when it comes to creating thoughtful stories that engage readers from start-to-finish!

Step 8: Sharing and Celebrating

At the end of the creative writing process, it’s time to share and celebrate! We can give our kids or students numerous opportunities show off what they’ve done. From publishing in a school newsletter or hosting an event where they can read their pieces aloud – these are just two ways that children can be given recognition for all of their hard work.

It is also important to foster this sense of pride and accomplishment in our students. Positive feedback and acknowledgement are key when celebrating student achievements; by doing so we create an environment that encourages kids to continue writing and exploring new ideas without fear or judgement. Celebrating successes helps build self-confidence which will ultimately lead them down paths filled with creativity!

Learning and Teaching Resources for Creative Writing


Q: What age group is suitable for creative writing?
A: Creative writing can be taught to children of all ages, from preschoolers to teenagers. However, the teaching methods and writing prompts should be adjusted to suit the age and developmental level of the child.

Q: Can creative writing be taught online?
A: Yes, creative writing can be taught online using various tools and platforms, such as video conferencing, email, or online writing communities.

Q: What are some common writing prompts for kids?
A: Common writing prompts for kids include writing about a favorite holiday, describing a memorable experience, or writing a story based on a picture prompt. Here are 100 writing prompts for primary grade students and 100 writing prompts for middle and higher grade students for many more ideas.

Q: How can I encourage my child to write?
A: You can encourage your child to write by providing them with a supportive and inspiring environment, giving them opportunities to express themselves, and offering positive feedback and praise for their efforts.

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Lower Grades

  1. Write about your favorite animal and what makes it special.
  2. Imagine a world where everything is made of candy. What would you do?
  3. Write a story about a magic garden where anything can grow.
  4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  5. Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  6. Imagine you are a superhero. What would your costume look like?
  7. Write a story about a lost puppy that you found and helped.
  8. Imagine you are an astronaut exploring space. What would you see?
  9. Write a story about a talking tree in the forest.
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  11. Write a story about a magical unicorn that you discovered in the woods.
  12. Imagine you found a secret door in your house. Where does it lead?
  13. Write a story about a day at the beach with your friends.
  14. Imagine you could talk to animals. What would you say to your pet?
  15. Write a story about a robot that helps you with your homework.
  16. Imagine you are a pirate sailing the seven seas. What adventures would you have?
  17. Write a story about a friendly monster that you met in the park.
  18. Imagine you could travel back in time. Where would you go and what would you do?
  19. Write a story about a magical necklace that gives you special powers.
  20. Imagine you are a famous singer. What songs would you sing?
  21. Write a story about a day in the life of a mermaid.
  22. Imagine you are a superhero who can fly. What would you see from the sky?
  23. Write a story about a magical butterfly that grants wishes.
  24. Imagine you could talk to plants. What would you say to them?
  25. Write a story about a lost treasure that you discovered in your backyard.
  26. Imagine you could visit any planet in the solar system. Which one would you choose?
  27. Write a story about a friendly dragon that you met in the woods.
  28. Imagine you could shrink down to the size of a bug. What would you see?
  29. Write a story about a magical key that opens any door.
  30. Imagine you could be any animal for a day. Which one would you choose?
  31. Write a story about a day in the life of a superhero.
  32. Imagine you found a magical book that could take you anywhere. Where would you go?
  33. Write a story about a friendly ghost that you met in your house.
  34. Imagine you could talk to the sun. What would you ask it?
  35. Write a story about a magical potion that turns you invisible.
  36. Imagine you could visit any city in the world. Which one would you choose?
  37. Write a story about a day in the life of a princess.
  38. Imagine you could talk to the moon. What would you say to it?
  39. Write a story about a friendly alien that you met in your backyard.
  40. Imagine you could travel to any country in the world. Which one would you choose?
  41. Write a story about a magical ring that gives you special powers.
  42. Imagine you could talk to the wind. What would you ask it?
  43. Write a story about a week in the life of a superheroine.
  44. Imagine you could travel to any era in history. Which one would you choose?
  45. Write a story about a friendly robot that you met at the park.
  46. Imagine you could talk to the stars. What would you say to them?
  47. Write a story about a magical lamp that grants wishes.
  48. Imagine you had a flying car. Where would you go and who would you take with you?
  49. Write a story about a day in the life of a magical fairy.
  50. Imagine you could talk to the ocean. What secrets would it tell you?
  51. Write a story about a group of animals that form their own band.
  52. Imagine you had a time machine. Where and when would you go?
  53. Write a story about a magical forest with talking trees and animals.
  54. Imagine you were stranded on a deserted island. How would you survive?
  55. Write a story about a superhero who can turn invisible.
  56. Imagine you had a pet dragon. What would you name it and what adventures would you have?
  57. Write a story about a magical garden with flying flowers and giant vegetables.
  58. Imagine you were a detective solving a mystery. What clues would you look for?
  59. Write a story about a day in the life of a magical genie.
  60. Imagine you were a chef making your own special recipe. What ingredients would you use?
  61. Write a story about a magical land of sweets and candy.
  62. Imagine you had a magic carpet. Where would you fly to?
  63. Write a story about a friendly monster that helps you with your homework.
  64. Imagine you were a race car driver. What kind of car would you drive?
  65. Write a story about a time-traveling robot.
  66. Imagine you were a famous explorer discovering a new world. What would you find?
  67. Write a story about a magical castle with secret rooms and hidden treasures.
  68. Imagine you were a famous athlete. What sport would you play?
  69. Write a story about a day in the life of a space alien.
  70. Imagine you were a scientist inventing a new invention. What would it do?
  71. Write a story about a magical library with books that come to life.
  72. Imagine you had a secret hideout. What would it look like and what would you do there?
  73. Write a story about a group of talking animals on an adventure.
  74. Imagine you were a famous artist. What kind of art would you make?
  75. Write a story about a magical portal that takes you to different worlds.
  76. Imagine you were a king or queen ruling your own kingdom. What kind of rules would you have?
  77. Write a story about a day in the life of a friendly ghost.
  78. Imagine you had a magic wand. What spells would you cast?
  79. Write a story about a group of friends who solve mysteries together.
  80. Imagine you were a famous writer. What kind of stories would you write?
  81. Write a story about a magical school where you learn spells and potions.
  82. Imagine you were a famous actor or actress. What kind of movies would you star in?
  83. Write a story about a group of superheroes who team up to save the world.
  84. Imagine you had a robot that does your chores for you. What would it look like?
  85. Write a story about a day in the life of a friendly monster.
  86. Imagine you were a famous singer. What kind of music would you sing?
  87. Write a story about a magical circus with performers and animals.
  88. Imagine you were a pirate captain sailing the high seas. What adventures would you have?
  89. Write a story about a group of aliens who come to Earth on a mission.
  90. Imagine you were a superhero with super strength. What kind of feats would you accomplish?
  91. Write a story about a magical amusement park with rides and attractions.
  92. Imagine you had a robot friend who could talk to you. What would you talk about?
  93. Write a story about a group of kids who solve a mystery at a haunted house.
  94. Imagine you were a famous dancer. What kind of dance would you do?
  95. Write a story about a magical world of mermaids and sea creatures.
  96. Imagine you were a famous magician. What kind of tricks would you perform?
  97. Write a story about a group of explorers discovering a lost city.
  98. Imagine you had a time-traveling watch. Where would you go and what would you do?
  99. Write a story about a day in the life of a dragon tamer.
  100. Imagine you were a famous inventor. What kind of inventions would you create?

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Upper Grades

  1. Write a story about a character who discovers they have a magical power.
  2. Describe a time when you had to be brave, and how you overcame your fears.
  3. Write a letter to your future self, describing your hopes and dreams.
  4. Imagine that you could travel through time. Where would you go, and what would you do?
  5. Write a story about a character who goes on a wild adventure to find a lost treasure.
  6. Describe a day in the life of a superhero.
  7. Write a poem about the changing seasons.
  8. Imagine that you could talk to animals. What would you say, and what would they say back to you?
  9. Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent.
  10. Describe your ideal day spent outdoors.
  11. Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about friendship.
  12. Imagine that you could invent a new sport. What would it be, and how would you play it?
  13. Write a story about a character who goes on a journey to find their family.
  14. Describe a time when you felt proud of yourself, and why.
  15. Write a poem about the ocean.
  16. Imagine that you could be any character from a book. Who would you be, and why?
  17. Write a story about a character who gets lost in the wilderness.
  18. Describe a day in the life of a famous person you admire.
  19. Write a story about a character who discovers a secret world.
  20. Imagine that you could create a new planet. What would it be like, and who would live there?
  21. Write a story about a character who overcomes a challenge.
  22. Describe a time when you felt grateful, and why.
  23. Write a poem about the beauty of nature.
  24. Imagine that you could switch lives with someone for a day. Who would it be, and why?
  25. Write a story about a character who has a mysterious power.
  26. Describe a day in the life of an astronaut.
  27. Write a story about a character who finds a magical object.
  28. Imagine that you could talk to a historical figure. Who would you talk to, and what would you say?
  29. Write a story about a character who solves a mystery.
  30. Describe a time when you felt happy, and why.
  31. Write a poem about the power of love.
  32. Imagine that you could create a new invention. What would it be, and how would it work?
  33. Write a story about a character who makes a difficult decision.
  34. Describe a day in the life of a musician.
  35. Write a story about a character who goes on a space adventure.
  36. Imagine that you could be any animal for a day. What would you be, and why?
  37. Write a story about a character who discovers a new world.
  38. Describe a time when you felt scared, and how you overcame your fear.
  39. Write a poem about the beauty of the night sky.
  40. Imagine that you could travel anywhere in the world. Where would you go, and what would you do?
  41. Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about honesty.
  42. Describe a day in the life of a chef.
  43. Write a story about a character who learns to appreciate the value of hard work.
  44. Imagine that you could be a character in a video game. What game would it be, and what would you do?
  45. Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent in a surprising way.
  46. Describe a time when you felt proud of someone else, and why.
  47. Write a poem about the beauty of autumn.
  48. Imagine that you could live in a different time period. Which period would you choose, and why?
  49. Write a story about a character who learns the importance of forgiveness.
  50. Describe a day in the life of a famous scientist.
  51. Write 50 more creative writing prompts for grades 3-8. Do not repeat any from the above list.
  52. Write a story about a character who travels back in time to meet their ancestors.
  53. Imagine that you have a secret treehouse. Describe it and write about what you do there.
  54. Write a story about a character who gets lost in a maze.
  55. Describe a day in the life of a famous athlete.
  56. Write a story about a character who discovers a new species of animal.
  57. Imagine that you could visit any planet in our solar system. Where would you go, and what would you do there?
  58. Write a story about a character who learns to be more responsible.
  59. Describe a time when you had to work hard to achieve a goal.
  60. Write a poem about the beauty of winter.
  61. Imagine that you could be any character from a TV show. Who would you be, and why?
  62. Write a story about a character who saves the world from an evil villain.
  63. Describe a day in the life of a professional artist.
  64. Write a story about a character who discovers a secret garden.
  65. Imagine that you could talk to a famous historical figure. Who would you talk to, and what would you ask?
  66. Write a story about a character who solves a challenging puzzle.
  67. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  68. Write a poem about the beauty of a sunrise.
  69. Imagine that you could create a new country. What would it be like, and who would live there?
  70. Write a story about a character who learns the importance of teamwork.
  71. Describe a day in the life of a veterinarian.
  72. Write a story about a character who goes on a quest to find a mythical creature.
  73. Imagine that you could time-travel to any historical event. Which event would you choose, and why?
  74. Write a story about a character who learns to overcome their fears.
  75. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new situation.
  76. Write a poem about the beauty of a sunset.
  77. Imagine that you could travel to any place in the world. Where would you go, and what would you do there?
  78. Write a story about a character who learns the value of perseverance.
  79. Describe a day in the life of a professional dancer.
  80. Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about acceptance.
  81. Imagine that you could be any character from a movie. Who would you be, and why?
  82. Write a story about a character who discovers a new talent.
  83. Describe a time when you had to stand up for what you believe in.
  84. Write a poem about the beauty of spring.
  85. Imagine that you could be a character in a fantasy world. What kind of world would it be, and what would you do there?
  86. Write a story about a character who overcomes a personal challenge.
  87. Describe a day in the life of a marine biologist.
  88. Write a story about a character who goes on a dangerous adventure.
  89. Imagine that you could travel to any time in the future. What would you do, and what would you hope to see?
  90. Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about empathy.
  91. Describe a time when you had to think creatively to solve a problem.
  92. Write a poem about the beauty of a thunderstorm.
  93. Imagine that you could be any character from a video game. Who would you be, and what would you do?
  94. Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent through their friends.
  95. Describe a day in the life of a fashion designer.
  96. Write a story about a character who learns to appreciate the value of friendship.
  97. Imagine that you could be any animal for a day. Which animal would you choose, and what would you do?
  98. Write a story about a character who finds a magic object that changes their life.
  99. Describe a time when you had to overcome a difficult obstacle.
  100. Imagine that you could be any character from a book. Who would you be, and why?


Teaching kids creative writing will give them a rewarding and inspiring experience that can help them develop their writing skills, express themselves creatively, and find their unique voice. By following the steps, strategies, prompts, exercises and activities in this article, we can create a fun, engaging, and supportive environment that encourages children to explore their creative interests, try out different writing styles, and share their ideas with the world.

-love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott

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