We all know the importance of intelligence, but did you know that emotional intelligence (EQ) is just as important? Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to use emotions effectively and productively. The development of emotional intelligence among young people is a key factor in ensuring their success both now and in the future. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to accurately identify, assess, and manage one’s own emotions as well as those of others.
It’s no secret that emotional intelligence is an important factor in academic success and it’s become increasingly clear that having strong emotional skills can help students perform better in school and learning situations. Students with higher emotional intelligence are better equipped to manage negative emotions, like anxiety and boredom, handle difficult conversations more easily and build positive relationships with teachers, peers and family.
Not only that, but the same skills required for developing one’s emotional intelligence may also overlap with those needed to excel at certain subjects such as history or language. So if you’re looking for ways to give your child an edge academically while still helping them grow emotionally and socially; look into honing their EQ (emotional quotient). In this article you’ll find these sections:
- The Advantages of Fostering Emotional Intelligence
- The Steps of Emotion Coaching and Overcoming Negative Emotions
- Learning and Teaching Resources for Emotional Intelligence
- Activities for Understanding and Managing Emotions and Feelings
The Advantages of Fostering Emotional Intelligence
Fostering emotional intelligence in children today has several benefits. Emotionally intelligent youth have better relationships, academic performance, stress management, school attendance, and less behavioral concerns.
- Emotionally intelligent people can recognize, understand, and control their emotions. Emotional intelligence can help young people throughout life.
- Emotional intelligence helps kids do well in school. Controlling emotions helps students focus, learn, and remember. Emotional intelligence also helps them recover from setbacks and keep going.
- Emotionally intelligent children are also socially adept. They’re more sympathetic, open-minded, and communicative. These skills help them get along with teachers, parents, and classmates. This may improve school and social life.
- High emotional intelligent young people can better handle stress and school challenges. They can control anger, frustration, and worry by understanding and expressing their feelings. This reduces classroom or other misbehavior.
- These benefits encourage emotionally intelligent kids to attend to their schoolwork daily. They enjoy learning, which inspires them to persevere and achieve at their highest level.
- Emotionally competent children misbehave less often. Emotionally intelligent students rarely bully or cheat. They also respect their peers and better take responsibility for their actions.
The Steps of Emotion Coaching and Overcoming Negative Emotions
- Step 1: Awareness of your child’s emotions
As an emotion coach, it’s important to be aware of your own feelings and also sensitive to the emotions present in your child. You don’t need your child to express their emotions loudly for them to be acknowledged. - Step 2: Emotions are an opportunity
Your child’s emotions should not be seen as a challenge or inconvenience. They offer a chance to connect with your child and coach them through their feelings. - Step 3: Listen and validate
When your child expresses their emotions, give them your full attention and listen. Reflect back what you hear, so they know you understand what they’re feeling and experiencing. - Step 4: Label the emotions
After listening, help your child understand and name their emotions. This helps develop their emotional intelligence and vocabulary. - Step 5: Problem-solve with limits
While all emotions are acceptable, not all behaviors are. Help your child cope with their emotions by teaching them problem-solving skills and setting limits for appropriate behavior. This involves setting goals and generating solutions to reach them.
Note: These steps may happen quickly or take time, but patience is key. If the problem is big, the steps don’t have to be completed in one interaction.
Here are four realistic ways to guide a child through a negative emotion so they can come out ready to carry on — feel it, show it, label it, see it leave. These four steps will help children develop emotional intelligence and a positive inner voice that supports them.
- When feeling emotions, it’s important to acknowledge them and not shy away from them. Validate your child and their emotional world. Instead of telling them not to be sad, angry, or jealous, be there for them in their emotions.
- Encourage children to show their emotions. Don’t over-regulate emotions being exhibited. Let your child know that it’s okay to express their emotions, regardless of whether they’re positive or negative.
- Labeling emotions is a crucial skill set for children. Teach them to recognize and name different emotions they’re feeling, as well as others. This helps with empathy and understanding emotions.
- Emotions, even the toughest ones, don’t last forever. Help your child understand that by noticing that emotions come and go. Talk to them about how sadness, anger, and frustration are temporary and how they can cope with them.
Learning and Teaching Resources for Emotional Intelligence
- 4 Expressive Feelings Activities
- 11 Journaling Prompt Worksheets for Emotional Intelligence
- A Guided Activity Coloring Book for Children for Fear, Loss and Change
- All About Me Worksheets and Activities
- Anger Management Role-Playing
- Anxiety Toolbox Student Workbook
- Asking For Help Lesson and Worksheet
- Breath-Counting Mindfulness Practice For Tweens and Teens
- The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions
- Color Monster Lessons to Teach Kids to Better Handle Emotions (zip)
- Coping Skills
- Dealing With Anger Worksheets
- Dealing With Our Feelings Lessons
- Dealing With Tough Situations Worksheet
- Emotion Coping Skills Lesson
- Emotional Intellegence Activities for Children Ages 8-10
- Emotional Intellegence Activities for Pre-Teens
- Emotional Intellegence Activities for Teens
- Emotional Intelligence Self Study Workbook, High School-College
- Emotions in Our Body Lesson
- Emotions Map Art Activity
- Empathy Worksheets
- Explore Your Emotions Coloring Book
- Exploring Emotions through Activities
- Feeling Is Thinking Workbook
- Feelings Cards
- Feeling Faces
- Feelings Thermometer and What To Do About Them
- Grounding-Coping Skills for Anxiety Relief
- Guide to Active Listening for Parents
- How to Help Your Child Overcome Fears
- Identifying Moods and Anger, Making an Action Plan
- Improving Your Mood Workbook, High School-College
- Lemons or Lemonade – An Anger Workbook for Teens
- Lessons for Teaching Anger Management to Children
- Managing Your Anxiety Workbook, High School-College
- Master Your Emotions Workbook
- Menu of Mindful Practices
- Role-Play Situations for Making Requests
- Stress Management Worksheets
- Stress Management, Middle School
- Stress Reduction Activities for Students
- Stress Relieving Ideas
- The 5 Steps of Emotion Coaching
- Understanding And Reducing Angry Feelings
- Where Do I Feel Coloring Page
Online Resources for Learning To Manage Our Emotions
- Teaching Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood
- 19+ Innovative Ways to Teach Emotional Intelligence to Kids
- Drawing Emotions, Grades Pre-K – G3
- Song About Feelings for Kids Lesson
- My Feelings Workbook, Grades Pre-K – G3
- Draw How I Feel, Grades Pre-K – G3
- Monster Feelings Flash Cards
- Listening to My Body Activity Guide
- Coping Skills Worksheets and Game
- Take a Meta Moment (Handle an emotion)
- Solve Feelings Problems with the Blueprint
- Emotion Wheel, Primary Grades
- How I Feel Worksheet
- Printable Emotion Faces
- Anger Management Skill Cards
- Sesame Street: Empathy video
- 5 Minutes Bodyscan Meditation for Families and classrooms video
- Emotions Hokey Pokey – The Kiboomers Preschool video
- Calming Exercises for Kids: Breathing and Stretching video
- 5 Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning video
- The Feeling Words Game vidoes – see if you can identify the emotions they’re describing.
- List of Emotions and Feelings Words
- How to Manage Emotion video
- Feelings Thermometer and Worksheet
- Stress Reduction Activities for Students
- Coping With Stress Worksheets, Middle School
- Emotional Intelligence Test and Workbook
- Exploring the Emotion Wheel, Middle and High School
- A Lesson Plan on Managing Feelings
- Free Online Quizzes About Emotions And Emotional Intelligence
Activities for Understanding and Managing Emotions and Feelings
- Model Emotional Intelligence: Children learn by observing the behavior of those around them, especially their parents.
- Identify and Label Emotions: Help children to identify and name their own emotions and the emotions of others.
- Teach Empathy: Encourage children to put themselves in others’ shoes and understand their emotions.
- Practice Mindfulness: Teach children techniques like deep breathing and visualization to manage their emotions.
- Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable discussing their feelings.
- Promote Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Teach children healthy ways to deal with stress and difficult emotions, such as physical activity or journaling.
- Reinforce Positive Behaviors: Praise children for expressing emotions in a healthy and appropriate way.
- Encourage Positive Self-talk: Help children to develop a positive inner voice that supports them in managing their emotions.
- Provide Opportunities for Problem-solving: Encourage children to find creative solutions to conflicts and difficult situations.
- Foster Resilience: Teach children to bounce back from setbacks and challenges by having a growth mindset.
Model Emotional Intelligence
I strongly advise starting by exhibiting the behaviors you want your child to exhibit. The world around them, especially when it comes to emotions and how to handle them, is absorbed by children like sponges.
You may use the following exercises and games to demonstrate emotional intelligence to your kids:
- Exercise self-awareness by checking your emotions and naming them. Your youngster should know how you are feeling and why.
- Show your youngster how to express their emotions in a healthy and mature manner by modeling this behavior. For instance, if you’re angry, take a deep breath and wait until you’ve counted to 10 before responding.
- Demonstrate empathy by paying attention to and acknowledging your child’s feelings when they are angry.
- Encourage positive self-talk: When your child makes a mistake, instead of criticizing them, encourage them to talk positively to themselves.
- Manage your emotions: When you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to be still and practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or visualization. Share these techniques with your child and encourage them to use them when they feel overwhelmed.
By incorporating these exercises and activities into your daily routine, you will not only model emotional intelligence for your child, but you will also help them develop their own emotional intelligence skills.
Identify and Label Emotions
I think it’s important for kids to learn how to recognize and name their emotions. Children are better able to manage their own feelings as well as those of others when they can recognize and communicate their emotions.
You may use the following exercises and games to teach kids how to recognize and categorize their emotions:
- Make a deck of Feeling Cards including various emotions and face expressions. Ask your youngster to name the emotions and match them to the facial expressions.
- Play a game of “feeling charades” with your child, in which they act out several emotions and the rest of the family must identify which one they are expressing.
- Emotion journals: Encourage your child to keep a journal where they can write about their emotions and feelings. You can also talk with them about the emotions they wrote about and how they can deal with them.
- Art and drawing: Encourage your child to express their emotions through art and drawing. Ask them to draw a picture that represents how they are feeling. For younger children, let them choose crayon colors from a pack according the emotions they’re currently feeling. Ask them the reasoning behind their color choices as well as the emotions they feel it symbolizes.
- Another activity you can use is the “The Emotion Wheel” – it involves drawing a circle with six or eight spokes on a piece of paper, then labeling each spoke with one emotion such as happiness, anger, sadness etc., so that all eight basic emotions are represented around the wheel. Ask your child to look at pictures or stories depicting people expressing different feelings – for example from magazines or books – then ask them which emotion each person might be feeling according to what they see in the picture/story? Asking questions like these will give your child practice recognizing various emotions expressed by other people while also learning how those same feelings may manifest within themselves too. Here’s an emotion wheel for younger students and here is one for older students.
- This last exercise involves creating an “Emotions Chart” together with your child where you list out all kinds of scenarios (e.g., going on vacation; getting good grades; being made fun off), and next write several possible reactions someone might have when faced with these situations (e..g joyous laughter; frustration). Then discuss why certain reactions occur so they can understand their own responses better. Doing this encourages empathy towards others who may have had similar experiences.
By incorporating these exercises and activities into your daily routine, you’ll help your child to become more emotionally literate and comfortable with identifying their emotions. Remember, the goal is not to have children perfectly understand every emotion, but to give them the tools and language to begin exploring their emotions in a healthy and supportive way.
Teach Empathy
With these simple exercises and activities, you can help your child or student become more emotionally intelligent by teaching them empathy – the ability to put themselves in another person’s shoes and understand their feelings. Empathy allows us to understand and connect with others on a deeper level and is an essential skill for building healthy relationships.
- Role-Playing: Role-playing scenarios with your child will allow them practice understanding other people’s perspectives on different situations. This could include role playing conversations between two characters having an argument or even pretending they are someone else facing certain challenges while discussing how they would feel if it happened to them personally.
- Books & Stories: Reading stories together provides an opportunity for discussion about what different characters might feel during certain events within the story which helps children learn how their actions affect others emotionally.
- Mirroring Exercises: Have kids mimic facial expressions from adults so that they start recognizing emotion associated with each expression like happiness, sadness etc.. This exercise also helps build trust since it requires being vulnerable enough show emotion without judgement from either side.
- Play with dolls or stuffed animals: Encourage your child to create scenarios and act out different emotions with their dolls or stuffed animals. This will help them practice understanding and expressing emotions.
- Encourage acts of kindness: Teach your child to be kind and considerate of others by doing small acts of kindness, such as sharing their toys or helping someone in need.
- Read and discuss through these Empathy worksheets, and for younger students view this Sesame Street empathy video.
By incorporating these exercises and activities into your daily routine, you’ll help your child develop their empathy skills and become a more emotionally intelligent individual. And don’t forget, the most important thing is to lead by example, so make sure to show empathy in your own interactions with others!
Practice Mindfulness
One of the best ways to do to teach our kids how to recognize and manage their emotions in a healthy manner is through mindfulness exercises and activities. Mindfulness teaches us how to be aware of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, environment without judgment or criticism – an invaluable skill for managing difficult emotions like anger or sadness more effectively. When practiced regularly with your child from a young age onwards you will see them grow into more self-aware individuals who are better equipped at dealing with life’s challenges as they grow into adults.
Here are some great activities that you can use when teaching your child or student about mindfulness:
- Deep breathing: Have your child focus on taking slow deep breaths while counting each breath out loud until they reach 10 (or whatever number feels comfortable). This helps them become aware of their body’s physical response when feeling overwhelmed by emotion; allowing them time to pause before responding impulsively which leads towards better decision making later on. Also, check out this video on calming exercises for kids. Doing timeouts and taking breaks are important too.
- Visualization: Encourage creativity by having your little one visualize calming scenes such as walking through nature or imagining themselves surrounded by soothing colors like blue sky/ocean waves etc., all while focusing on breathing deeply throughout this exercise too! Doing so will help relax both mind and body further aiding relaxation and stress relief over time if done regularly.
- Body Scanning: This activity involves asking questions about what different parts of the body feel like at any given moment e.g., “what does my stomach feel? What do my toes feel? Is there tension anywhere?” By becoming mindful in this way we learn not only understand but also accept our bodily sensations which then allows us take control over those same feelings instead letting them take control over us. Here’s a good video on this technique: 5 Minutes Bodyscan Meditation.
- Gratitude journaling: Encourage your child to keep a journal where they can write about things they are grateful for each day. This can help shift their focus from negative emotions to positive ones.
- Mindful walks: Go for a walk together and encourage your child to focus on their senses, such as the sounds and sights around them. This can help them become more mindful and present in the moment.
These simple yet powerful practices will help one become more in touch with their emotions. They can be taught alongside other forms of emotional education such as understanding empathy and being kind towards others – all key components necessary for growing up into emotionally intelligent adults capable handling life’s ups and downs gracefully.
Encourage Open Communication
Open communication is a key component of developing emotional intelligence in children. This means creating a safe and supportive space where kids feel comfortable expressing their emotions without fear of judgement or criticism.
Here are a few exercises and activities you can use to create an environment that encourages open communication with children:
- Family discussions: Start a weekly family discussion where everyone can share their feelings and experiences. This can help create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where children feel comfortable expressing themselves. Have regular conversations with your children about how they are feeling in any given moment. Ask questions like “How did you feel when…?” or “What would make you happier right now?” These types of inquiries will help them identify their feelings and give them the opportunity to express themselves openly and honestly.
- Active listening: When your child is talking to you, give them your full attention and listen without interrupting. This can help them feel heard and validated, which can foster open communication.
- Emotional vocabulary: Teach your child a wide range of emotions and encourage them to use descriptive words to express their feelings. This can help them better understand and communicate their emotions.
- Problem-solving together: When your child is facing a challenge, work together to find solutions. This can help them feel empowered and encourages open communication about their thoughts and feelings. Encourage your child to talk through difficult situations rather than bottling up their emotions inside – even if it feels uncomfortable for both parties at first! The more practice they have discussing issues openly, the better equipped they will be as adults when faced with tough decisions in life down the road.
By encouraging open communication with your child, you’ll create a safe and supportive environment where they can learn to express their emotions and develop their emotional intelligence. Remember, open communication is a lifelong skill that can help children become more resilient, confident, and connected individuals.
Promote Healthy Coping Mechanisms
Teaching children healthy coping mechanisms is an important part of developing their emotional intelligence. When children have healthy ways to deal with stress and difficult emotions, they are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and maintain their emotional well-being.
Here are a few exercises and activities you can use to promote healthy coping mechanisms in children and which give them constructive ways of dealing with whatever comes their way.
- Physical activity: Encourage your child to participate in physical activity, such as playing sports or going for a walk, when they are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Physical excellent activity can help reduce stress and improve mood; it also provides a great opportunity for bonding as you encourage your child to get active together!
- Journaling: Having your child write down their thoughts about any stressful situation they are facing gives them a chance not only to release pent-up emotion but also gain insight into what went wrong so they may better handle similar issues in the future.
- Art therapy: Encourage your child to express their emotions through art, such as drawing or painting. Art therapy can help children release their emotions in a healthy and creative way.
- Positive self-talk: Teach your child positive self-talk, such as reframing negative thoughts into positive ones. This can help them maintain a positive outlook and reduce stress.
- “Spaghetti Body”: This is a fun exercise to help kids release tension, feel better and regulate their emotions. To do it, kids must first scrunch their body parts tight, counting to 3, then relax them like spaghetti noodles. The exercise must be practiced regularly to be effective. Kids are in control of their bodies and can feel better by doing Spaghetti Body whenever they feel mad or nervous.
- “Stress Press: This helps calm you down when angry, avoiding trouble. Stress is when your body gets mad, but you can control it as the boss of your body. To do Stress Press, press palms together as hard as you can, counting to 10. Practice Stress Press regularly to be an expert at it, especially when feeling happy. Remember, you are in control of your body and can feel better with Stress Press.
- When feeling overwhelmed take a few moments and try heart breathing. It’s an easy technique to help you relax and feel better. Start by thinking of a happy memory that brings joy and love. Place one hand on your heart, the other on your belly, then take slow deep breaths while focusing on the memory. Imagine it is in your heart as you breathe in and out five times with a small smile forming each time. Repeat this process whenever needed to find peace within yourself.
By engaging regularly in these types of activities which promote healthy coping strategies, you’ll help them develop the skills they need to manage their emotions and maintain their emotional well-being.
Reinforce Positive behaviors
Children can establish healthy emotional habits when they’re reinforced for their good conduct. They are more inclined to continue acting in a positive way when they sense that their actions are praised and appreciated.
Here are a few exercises and activities you can use to reinforce positive behaviors in children:
- Verbal praise: Reinforcing positive conduct when children express themselves in suitable ways is one of the fundamental components of educating children emotional intelligence. The act of validating your child’s healthy emotional expression will both encourage him to continue using these techniques in the future. Be sure to target particular actions you want to promote and be precise in your praise.
- Reward systems: If you want to encourage good conduct, think about employing one. This might be as straightforward as a sticker chart or as complex as a special privilege or gift. Giving kids a concrete incentive for expressing their emotions in a healthy and acceptable way is the idea here.
- Celebrate your child’s progress: Be careful to acknowledge and applaud your child’s accomplishments in developing healthy and mature emotional expression. Having a special celebration or outing, or even just noting their achievement in a discussion, might do this.
- Instructing your children or pupils in healthy and proper emotional expression through role playing is a great method. You may, for instance, portray an emotional scenario for them, then encourage them to express their emotions in a responsible manner before praising them for their accomplishments.
By rewarding your children’s or students’ good activities related to their feelings and emotions, you may help them learn the skills they need to express their emotions in a healthy and appropriate manner. This, in turn, will assist them in developing emotional intelligence as well as solid relationships with those around them.
Encourage Positive Self-talk
Encouraging positive self-talk is a critical component in helping children manage their emotions. Our thoughts and beliefs play a big role in shaping our emotional experience, and that’s especially true for children who are still developing their emotional intelligence.
Here are a few exercises and activities you can use to help your child develop positive self-talk:
- Identifying negative self-talk: Start by helping your child identify negative self-talk patterns. Encourage them to pay attention to the messages they tell themselves when they’re upset or feeling down. Write these down and discuss them together.
- Reframing negative self-talk: Once you’ve identified negative self-talk patterns, help your child reframe these thoughts into more positive, supportive messages. For example, if they’re telling themselves they’re “stupid” when they make a mistake, help them replace that thought with “Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay.”
- Gratitude practice: Encouraging your child to practice gratitude is a great way to help them develop positive self-talk. Encourage them to make a list of things they’re thankful for each day, and talk about how focusing on the positive can help shift their mindset.
- Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that can help counteract negative self-talk. Write a few positive affirmations together with your child, and encourage them to repeat these to themselves throughout the day. They could also make artwork with uplifting words like “courageous”, “brave”, etc., which will serve as reminders during tough times. This helps them develop an inner voice that supports them in managing their emotions instead of getting caught up in negative thoughts and feelings.
- Role-playing: Role-playing can be a fun way to help your child practice positive self-talk. You can act out a scenario where they’re faced with a difficult situation and help them practice responding to their negative self-talk with positive affirmations.
By encouraging positive self-talk, you’ll help your child develop a strong, supportive inner voice that will serve them well as they navigate their emotions and build their emotional intelligence.
Provide Opportunities for Problem-solving
Problem-solving is an essential skill for children to develop. When children are faced with conflicts or difficult situations, they need to be able to find creative solutions that work for everyone involved. This helps build their confidence, promotes critical thinking skills, and sets them up for success in life, as they learn cooperation and collaboration when faced with challenges or conflicts.
Here are a few exercises and activities you can use to encourage children to develop their problem-solving skills:
- Brainstorming: Encourage children to come up with as many solutions as possible to a problem. This helps them think creatively and see the problem from different angles.
- Role-playing: Role-playing can be a fun way to encourage children to practice problem-solving. You can act out a scenario where they have different options available on how they would handle a situation such as dealing with disappointment or managing anger appropriately during disagreements between siblings/friends etc.. This will give them an opportunity to think critically about each option before deciding which one works best given certain circumstances – it also allows them time reflect on what worked (or didn’t) afterwards so that next time around it might be easier.
- Puzzles: Not only do puzzles require logical reasoning but depending on the type chosen (i.e jigsaw puzzle), working together towards completion teaches teamwork and communication skills too.
- Encourage collaboration: When children work together to solve a problem, they learn how to collaborate and find solutions that work for everyone. Encourage them to work together on projects or challenges, and celebrate their successes as a team.
- Teach negotiation skills: Teach children how to negotiate and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Encourage them to practice these skills in everyday situations, such as sharing toys or taking turns.
By providing opportunities for problem-solving, you’ll help your child develop the skills they need to handle conflicts and difficult situations with grace and confidence. They’ll learn how to find creative solutions and work effectively with others, which will serve them well throughout their lives.
Foster Resilience
Teaching children resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks or challenges with a growth mindset, is a key aspect of emotional intelligence. Here are some tips and activities you can use to help foster resilience in kids:
- Encourage a growth mindset: Encourage children to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. When they face a setback, help them reframe their thinking and focus on what they can learn from the experience.
- Play resilience games: Play games that challenge children to bounce back from setbacks, such as obstacle courses or games that require perseverance.
- Practice gratitude: Encourage children to focus on the positive things in their lives and express gratitude for them. This can help them develop a more resilient outlook.
- Role-play: Encourage children to role-play different scenarios where they have to overcome challenges and practice problem-solving skills. Ask your kid what would happen if something didn’t go according to plan at school tomorrow? How would they handle it? What kind of solutions might work best? Helping your child come up with different strategies will give them confidence when faced with real-life situations where things don’t always go smoothly so that they know how best react when those times arrive.
- Make a book on “How to Cure a Bad Mood” as a mood enhancer.
- Children should be encouraged to come up with imaginative and useful suggestions for things that would help them feel better. (Examples: play with a dog, embrace mom, dance like a monkey, walk through a meadow of butterflies, smell cotton candy.)
- Make a list of the things the kids say. Then let them each pick one to illustrate or cut out and paste each concept into the book.
- When they presented it to you, record what everyone picked and save it in a binder. Keep this book on hand for anyone who needs to feel better and keep it in your school library.
- You may keep adding pages for new circumstances as they come up in the future. Read the book at times in a circle, story center, or small group setting.
Applying emotional intelligence principles takes practice but these activities should get you started off right. Also remember, emotional intelligence and resilience are skills that can be developed and strengthened over time, and these activities can help children build their emotional intelligence. The activities above can help youngsters increase their emotional intelligence, which is a crucial and necessary step in their development and maturity.
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