3 Free 5th Grade Science Units: Living Systems, Chemistry & Matter, and Weather

3 Free Grade 5 Science Units Living Systems, Chemistry & Matter, and Weather

Table of Contents:

Reasons why learning science is important for 5th graders

Here are three free grade 5 science lesson modules that will help students understand the natural world around them while also cultivating essential skills that benefit them both academically and personally. Here are some key reasons why learning science is important for 5th graders:

  • Encouraging Curiosity and Critical Thinking: Children are drawn to science and are to be encouraged to ask questions about the world around them. Through practical experiments, observations, and investigations, they can cultivate budding critical thinking abilities by formulating hypotheses and drawing conclusions supported by evidence.
  • Problem-Solving Ability: Science instruction gives young students the ability to solve problems outside of the classroom. They gain the ability to identify issues, break them down into doable steps, come up with original solutions, and evaluate the success of those solutions.
  • Understanding the Physical World: Students learn about the principles of the physical world in science class, including natural laws, the properties of matter, and the interdependence of all living things. With this understanding, they can recognize the intricacies of natural systems and make well-informed decisions regarding the environment.
  • Developing STEM Awareness and Preparing for Future Careers: Students can prep for a range of future careers in industries like technology, engineering, medicine, and environmental science when they understand scientific concepts and develop problem-solving abilities.
  • Cultivating a Sense of Wonder and Appreciation: Students who study science are better able to comprehend the environment and its delicate balance, which fosters a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world.
  • Nurturing Creativity and Innovation: Science encourages students to think creatively and innovatively by allowing them to try out novel concepts and ideas. They acquire the resourcefulness and curiosity needed to tackle problems head-on, developing an innovative and forward-thinking mindset.

Life Science Lesson Unit Living Systems

This unit covers the California Science Standards for 5th grade Life Science by focusing on transport systems in mammals (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and excretory) and plants (roots, stems-xylem, phloem, and leaves). By the conclusion of the lesson, students will understand how form and function interact in living organisms. Students will understand that: living things are structurally organized from microscopic cells to tissues, organs, and organ systems; living things exhibit a structure-function relationship in which the way something is designed and built contributes to its ability to perform specific functions; The respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and excretory systems are the four systems in animals that function to transport materials; each of these systems is made up of smaller parts called organs, each with their own function; in addition to a specific function (e.g., digest food), these systems are inter-related (e.g., circulatory and respiratory) to provide nutrients to the body and remove wastes; plant structures also provide transport of nutrients and waste removal. Students are introduced to the Grade 5 Life Science Unit via a sequence of investigations, experiments, active learning activities, questions, and assessments. Pre-, post-, and six formative examinations are included.

Download Complete Grade 5 Life Science Lessons (80mb)

Introduction and Conceptual Flow NarrativeDownload PDF
Conceptual Flow GraphicDownload image
Pre-AssessmentA (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 1 Hierarchy5.1Download PDF
Lesson 2 Structure-Function5.2Download PDF
Formative Assessment #1B (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 3 Just Breathe5.3Download PDF
Lesson 4 Under Pressure5.4Download PDF
Lesson 5 You Gotta Have Heart5.5Download PDF
Lesson 6 Heart to Heart5.6Download PDF
Formative Assessment #2 (performance assessment)C (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 7 Body Highways5.7Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 8 Let’s Get Connected5.8Download PDF
 Lesson 9 Digestion: Chew on That!5.9Download PDF
Lesson 10 Digestive System Simulation5.10Download PDF
Formative Assessment #3 (writing sample)D (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 11 Excretory System5.11Download PDF
 Formative Assessment #4E (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 12 Plant Macro Transport5.12Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 13 Celery Lab5.13Download PDF
Lesson 14 Leave it to the Leaves5.14Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #5F (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 15 Photosynthesis Play5.15Download PDF
Lesson 16 Photosynthesis-Cellular Respiration Cycle5.16Download PDF
Formative Assessment #6G (Assessment File)Download PDF
Post-Assessment5.18Download PDF

Physical Science Lesson Unit: Chemistry and Matter

This unit is concerned with matter and its qualities. This lesson addresses all of the Grade 5 California Science Content Standards for Physical Science. Students will understand by the end of the unit that: elements and their combinations account for all the different types of matter in the world; all matter is made of atoms that can combine to form molecules; each element is made of one type of atom; the elements are organized in the periodic table by their chemical properties; differences in chemical and physical properties of substances are used to separate mixtures and identify compounds; and changes in matter are caused by a rise and lowering in temperatures and mixing. Students are introduced to the Grade 5 Physical Science Unit via a sequence of investigations, experiments, active learning activities, questions, and examinations.

Download Complete Grade 5 Physical Science (12.6mb)

Introduction and Conceptual Flow NarrativeDownload PDF
Conceptual Flow GraphicDownload zip
Pre-AssessmentA (Assessment File)Download zip (4 PDF’s)
Lesson 1 Observation Boxes5.1Download zip (4 PDF’s)
Lesson 2 Three States of Matter5.2Download zip (4 PDF’s)
Lesson 3 Measuring Matter5.3Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 4 Density5.4Download zip (6 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #1B (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 5 Physical Changes5.5Download PDF
Lesson 6 Ice Cube Demonstration5.6Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #2C (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 7 Mixtures and Solutions5.7Download PDF
Lesson 8 Ransom Note5.8Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #3D (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 9 Black Boxes5.9Download PDF
Lesson 10 Atoms: the Bohr Model5.10Download PDF
Lesson 11 Making Molecules5.11Download zip (4 PDF’s)
Lesson 12 Salty Ice Cream5.12Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 13 Kitchen Chemistry5.13Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 14 Chemical Change5.14Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #4E (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 15 Mystery Powders5.15Download PDF
Lesson 16 Periodic Table5.16Download PDF
Formative Assessment #5F (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 17 Properties of Metals5.17Download zip (3 PDF’s)
Lesson 18 Element Advertisement5.18Download zip (4 PDF’s)
Post-AssessmentG (Assessment File)Download PDF

Earth Science Lesson Unit: The Solar System and the Weather on Earth

This grade 5 Earth Science Unit focuses on the uniqueness of Earth via various of its processes (water cycle and weather) and covers the 5th grade Life Science California Science Standards. Students will understand that Earth is unique as the “water planet” at the conclusion of the course. In living creatures, structure and function are linked. Students will understand that the solar system consists of the sun (a star) and eight planets; that each planet has characteristics (such as size and distance from the sun) that may be used to characterize it; and that the Earth is the only one with water. Students will also understand that water on Earth enables life to exist; that water cycles through living and nonliving components of the environment; that water cycles as individual molecules at different rates and from different locations; and that the water cycle is a major basis of weather, which is the state of the air around us. Students will understand the link between density, temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure, as well as how these variables influence local weather and contribute to severe weather patterns. Students gather weather data from their weather station throughout the course. They evaluate the data and forecast future weather trends in their region. Students are introduced to the Grade 5 Earth Science Unit via a sequence of studies, experiments, active learning activities, questions, and assessments. Pre-, post-, and three formative evaluations are included.

Download Complete Grade 5 Earth Science (51.7mb)

Introduction and Conceptual Flow Narrative1Download PDF
Conceptual Flow Graphic5Download PDF
Pre-AssessmentA (Assessment File)Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 0 Weather Station5.0Download PDF
Lesson 1 Star of the Solar System-The Sun5.1Download PDF
Lesson 2 Planet Relative Size and Distance5.2Download PDF
Lesson 3 Planets Pocket Book5.3Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #1B (Assessment File)Download zip (3 PDF’s)
Lesson 4 The Water Planet5.4Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 5 Water Cycles5.5Download PDF
Lesson 6 Transpiration5.6Download PDF
Lesson 7 Watersheds5.7Download zip (3 PDF’s)
Lesson 8 Water Cycle Game5.8Download zip (11 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #2C (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 9 What is Weather?5.9Download PDF
Lesson 10 Humidity5.10Download PDF
Lesson 11 Density5.11Download PDF
Lesson 12 Differential Heating5.12Download PDF
Lesson 13 Convection Currents5.13Download PDF
Lesson 14 Winds5.14Download zip (2 Files)
Lesson 15 Air Pressure5.15Download PDF
Lesson 16 Severe Weather5.16Download zip (2 Files)
Lesson 17 Analyzing Weather Data5.17Download PDF
Formative Assessment #3 (performance assessment)D (Assessment File)Download PDF
Post-AssessmentE (Assessment File)Download PDF

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