Life Science Course for 4th Grade

Life Science Course for 4th Grade

This Life Science Course Lesson Unit teaches fourth-grade students the following: that ecosystems are communities of organisms that interact with one another and their physical environment; that living biotic factors and non-living abiotic factors are different for each biome; that all organisms have needs that their natural surroundings satisfy; that adaptations give a competitive edge; and that biomes have specific biotic and abiotic aspects that make each one unique. The Grade 4 Life Science Unit teaches students the course subject through a sequence of investigations, examinations, hands-on experiences, questions, and examinations. Pre-, post-, and three formative evaluations are included. You can download the complete grade 4 Life Science lessons (zip file, 59mb). Also freely available is their Grade 5 Life Science Lesson Unit: Transport Systems in Animals and Plants.

Introduction and Conceptual Flow NarrativeDownload PDF
Conceptual Flow GraphicDownload PDF
Pre-AssessmentA (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 1 School Walk Around4.1Download zip (3 PDF’s)
Lesson 2 Plot Study4.2Download PDF
Lesson 3 Biomes4.3Download zip (7 Files)
Formative Assessment #1B (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 4 Basic Needs4.4Download PDF
Lesson 5 Oh Heron!4.5Download PDF
Lesson 6 Sniff This!4.6Download zip (3 PDF’s)
Lesson 7 Blubber Gloves4.7Download PDF
Lesson 8 Seed Adaptations for Dispersal4.8Download PDF
 Lesson 9 Lotusland4.9Download PDF
Formative Assessment #2C (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 10 Food Chains4.1Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Lesson 11 Crawly Composters4.11Download PDF
Lesson 12 Mighty Microorganisms4.12Download PDF
Lesson 13 Matter Cycles-Sum it Up4.13Download PDF
Lesson 14 Energy Flows4.14Download PDF
 Lesson 15 Food Web4.15Download zip (2 PDF’s)
Formative Assessment #3D (Assessment File)Download PDF
Lesson 16 That’s An Otter Story4.16Download PDF
Lesson 17 Channel Island Outreach4.17Download PDF
Post-AssessmentE (Assessment File)Download PDF

The Grade 4 Conceptual Flow Narrative for Life Science: Ecosystems (below) expands on the course ideas covered in each session as well as the relationships that connect them. Using a narrative, current lessons are linked to the prior lesson and the upcoming lesson to allow for the growth of student knowledge as they advance from one topic to the next.

Life Science Conceptual Flow

-love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott

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