373 Greek and Latin Roots in English Words – Vocabulary for Middle and High School

373 Greek and Latin Roots in English Words - Vocabulary for Middle and High School

Learning Greek and Latin roots and affixes is extremely beneficial for expanding vocabulary as well as improving reading and writing skills. Consider yourself on a treasure hunt, with each word representing a treasure chest. Many of these treasure chests can be unlocked by learning the Latin and Greek roots. Without the key, you’d have to open each chest individually, which would take a lot of time and effort. However, with the key, you can easily open many of the chests and find the treasure inside.

The meaning of words is this treasure, and by learning these roots, you can understand many words without having to memorize them individually. It’s as if you had a secret code that could help you understand new words and phrases simply by breaking them down into their roots. And, as with a treasure hunt, the more treasures you discover, the richer and more powerful your vocabulary becomes.

Also, understanding roots can help you with reading and writing. Many words are spelled the way they are because of their Latin and Greek origins. By understanding these roots, you can more easily spell and use words correctly. So you see, learning Latin and Greek roots can be a lot of fun and can give you the key to unlocking many treasures in the English language.

In addition to expanding vocabulary, learning Latin and Greek roots can also have other important benefits. For example:

  • It can improve critical thinking skills. By breaking words down into their roots, students learn to analyze and think about language in a deeper way. This can help them to become better problem-solvers and critical thinkers.
  • It can increase cultural awareness. Latin and Greek are the root languages of many modern languages and cultures. By studying these roots, students can gain a deeper understanding of the history and culture of many countries.
  • Students can improve their performance on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT by studying Latin and Greek roots. This may eventually lead to improved academic performance.
  • Learning Latin and Greek roots can be difficult, but it can also be very rewarding. Students can gain a sense of accomplishment and boost their confidence by putting in the effort and successfully mastering these roots.

Overall, learning Latin and Greek roots and affixes (video) can be a valuable and enjoyable experience for students. It can help them to expand their vocabulary and improve their reading and writing skills, while also developing critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and sense of accomplishment. Also check out our page, Latin & Greek Roots, Prefix, Suffix Lessons, Lists & Teaching Helps.

247 Latin Roots in English Words

  1. ab- (meaning “away” or “from”): abdicate, abject, abnegate
  2. ad- (meaning “to” or “toward”): adduce, adulate, adverb
  3. ag- (meaning “do” or “act”): agitate, agglutinate, aggrandize
  4. agri- (meaning “field” or “country”): agriculture, agrarian, agribusiness
  5. ali- (meaning “other”): alias, alibi, alienate
  6. ambi- (meaning “both”): ambivalent, ambidextrous, ambivalent
  7. anim- (meaning “soul” or “mind”): animal, animate, animus
  8. ann- (meaning “year”): anniversary, annual, annuity
  9. aqu- (meaning “water”): aquatic, aqueduct, aquifer
  10. arbor- (meaning “tree”): arbor, arboreal, arboriculture
  11. au- (meaning “gold”): aureole, aurelia, aureate
  12. bene- (meaning “good”): benefit, benevolent, benefactor
  13. bi- (meaning “two”): bicentennial, biped, bilateral
  14. bon- (meaning “good”): bonanza, bonafide, bon vivant
  15. cad- (meaning “fall”): cadence, cadenza, cascade
  16. cap- (meaning “head”): capital, capitol, capitation
  17. capt- (meaning “seize”): captive, capture, captor
  18. carn- (meaning “flesh”): carnal, carnivorous, incarnate
  19. caut- (meaning “be careful”): caution, cautious, precinct
  20. ced- (meaning “go” or “yield”): concede, recede, secede
  21. cent- (meaning “hundred”): century, cent, centenarian
  22. cogn- (meaning “know”): cognition, cognomen, incognito
  23. cor- (meaning “heart”): cordial, accord, concord
  24. corp- (meaning “body”): corporation, corpse, corporal
  25. cosm- (meaning “universe”): cosmos, cosmic, cosmology
  26. crim- (meaning “judge” or “decide”): crime, criminal, criterion
  27. curi- (meaning “care” or “worry”): curious, curiosity, incur
  28. de- (meaning “down” or “off”): deflate, detract, degrade
  29. dec- (meaning “ten”): decimal, decagon, decade
  30. dem- (meaning “people”): democracy, demography, demagogue
  31. dic- (meaning “say” or “speak”): dictionary, dictate, dictator
  32. doc- (meaning “teach”): doctor, document, doctrine
  33. domin- (meaning “lord” or “master”): dominant, domain, dominate
  34. dorm- (meaning “sleep”): dormant, dormouse, dormitory
  35. dub- (meaning “doubt”): dubitable, dubiety, dubious
  36. duc- (meaning “lead” or “carry”): ducal, ductile, educate
  37. dur- (meaning “hard” or “difficult”): durable, duration, endure
  38. ebur- (meaning “ivory”): eburine, eburnation, eburnean
  39. equ- (meaning “equal”): equal, equality, equidistant
  40. fac- (meaning “do” or “make”): facilitate, factory, factotum
  41. fid- (meaning “trust”): fiduciary, infidelity, confide
  42. flu- (meaning “flow”): fluid, influence, superfluous
  43. fore- (meaning “before”): forego, foretell, forefather
  44. gaud- (meaning “joy”): gaudy, gaudery, ingaud
  45. gen- (meaning “birth” or “origin”): gene, generation, genetic
  46. geo- (meaning “earth”): geology, geography, geosphere
  47. grand- (meaning “big”): grand, grandiose, grandeur
  48. horr- (meaning “shudder”): horror, horrible, horrify
  49. hum- (meaning “earth” or “ground”): human, humble, humid
  50. hypno- (meaning “sleep”): hypnotize, hypnotic, hypnoid
  51. jac- (meaning “lie”): jacent, jaculate, deject
  52. jud- (meaning “judge”): judicial, adjudicate, judge
  53. juni- (meaning “young”): junior, juniper, rejuvenate
  54. labor- (meaning “work”): labor, laborer, laborious
  55. leg- (meaning “law” or “send”): legal, legislate, delegate
  56. lev- (meaning “light” or “raise”): levity, elevate, lever
  57. liber- (meaning “free”): liberty, liberate, liberal
  58. luc- (meaning “light”): lucid, translucent, transparent
  59. lud- (meaning “play”): ludic, ludicrous, prelude
  60. lumin- (meaning “light”): luminous, luminescent, luminary
  61. lun- (meaning “moon”): lunar, lunacy, lunate
  62. magn- (meaning “great”): magnate, magnify, magnitude
  63. mal- (meaning “bad” or “evil”): malefactor, malicious, malign
  64. man- (meaning “hand”): manage, manual, manufacture
  65. manu- (meaning “hand”): manual, manuscript, manipulate
  66. mar- (meaning “sea”): marine, mariner, maritime
  67. medi- (meaning “middle”): median, mediocre, mediocrity
  68. mem- (meaning “mind” or “memory”): remember, memo, memorandum
  69. men- (meaning “month”): menstrual, menopause, menage
  70. ment- (meaning “mind”): mental, mention, mentor
  71. mer- (meaning “sea” or “lake”): mermaid, merriment, inmerse
  72. meta- (meaning “after” or “beyond”): metamorphosis, metonymy, metaphysics
  73. micro- (meaning “small”): microbe, microscope, microcosm
  74. mill- (meaning “thousand”): millimeter, millenarian, millennium
  75. mis- (meaning “wrong” or “bad”): mistake, misuse, misanthrope
  76. mit- (meaning “send”): emit, remit, transmit
  77. mob- (meaning “move”): mobile, mobility, immobilize
  78. mon- (meaning “one” or “single”): monopoly, monotone, monocle
  79. mor- (meaning “death” or “fate”): mortal, moribund, morbid
  80. morph- (meaning “shape”): metamorphosis, amorphous, polymorphous
  81. muc- (meaning “mucus”): mucous, mucilage, emulsion
  82. mut- (meaning “change”): mutate, mutable, immutable
  83. nasc- (meaning “be born”): natal, nascent, renaissance
  84. neo- (meaning “new”): neonate, neon, neophyte
  85. neur- (meaning “nerve”): neurosis, neuron, neurosurgery
  86. nom- (meaning “name”): nominal, nominate, denominate
  87. nov- (meaning “new”): novel, novitiate, innovation
  88. nu- (meaning “new” or “cloud”): nuptial, nucleus, nuage
  89. numer- (meaning “number”): numeral, numerous, enumerate
  90. obl- (meaning “toward”): oblique, obligate, oblivion
  91. oc- (meaning “eye”): ocular, oculist, binocular
  92. omni- (meaning “all”): omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous
  93. oper- (meaning “work”): operation, operative, co-op
  94. orth- (meaning “right” or “straight”): orthodontics, orthodox, orthography
  95. over- (meaning “too much” or “excess”): overdo, overdrive, overreach
  96. pac- (meaning “peace”): pacify, pacific, pacifist
  97. pact- (meaning “to make” or “to agree”): pact, compact, impact
  98. pan- (meaning “all”): panacea, pandemic, panoramic
  99. par- (meaning “equal” or “beside”): parity, par
  100. par- (meaning “equal” or “beside”): parity, parallel, divorce
  101. pare- (meaning “bring forth” or “produce”): parenthood, parent, paregoric
  102. pari- (meaning “equal”): parity, paragon, paripassu
  103. patr- (meaning “father”): patriarch, patron, patrimony
  104. pau- (meaning “few”): paucity, pause, impoverished
  105. ped- (meaning “foot”): pedestrian, pedagogue, pedal
  106. pel- (meaning “drive” or “push”): repel, propel, impel
  107. pend- (meaning “hang” or “weigh”): pendant, pending, depend
  108. pens- (meaning “pay”): compensate, recompense, expense
  109. per- (meaning “through” or “thoroughly”): pervade, peruse, perceive
  110. peri- (meaning “around” or “near”): perimeter, periscope, peripatetic
  111. pet- (meaning “seek” or “aim for”): petite, petition, competitive
  112. petr- (meaning “stone”): petroleum, petrous, petroglyph
  113. phal- (meaning “fruit”): phalanx, phallic, sycophant
  114. phob- (meaning “fear”): phobia, phobic, phobocracy
  115. phot- (meaning “light”): photograph, photosphere, photosynthesis
  116. pign- (meaning “pig”): pignut, pignus, pignorate
  117. plac- (meaning “plead”): placate, placid, implacable
  118. plen- (meaning “full”): plenitude, plentiful, plenipotentiary
  119. pleth- (meaning “fullness”): plethora, plethoric, plethysmograph
  120. plic- (meaning “fold”): ply, plication, implicate
  121. plur- (meaning “more”): plural, plus, pluri-
  122. pneum- (meaning “breath” or “air”): pneumonia, pneumatic, pneudo-
  123. poc- (meaning “drink”): potion, poculiform, impocible
  124. pod- (meaning “foot”): podiatry, podium, podocyte
  125. poli- (meaning “many”): police, policy, metropolis
  126. pom- (meaning “fruit”): pomaceous, pomology, pomander
  127. popul- (meaning “people”): popular, populous, populate
  128. post- (meaning “after” or “behind”): postdate, posterior, posthumous
  129. pot- (meaning “able” or “having power”): potent, potential, impotent
  130. pre- (meaning “before” or “in front of”): prevent, preface, precedent
  131. pro- (meaning “for” or “forward”): prodigy, process, pronoun
  132. prob- (meaning “test”): probe, problem, probation
  133. prod- (meaning “drive forward”): prod, produce, product
  134. prol- (meaning “grow” or “spawn”): prolegomena, prolific, proliferate
  135. pug- (meaning “fight”): pugnacious, pugilist, impugn
  136. puls- (meaning “drive” or “push”): pulse, pulsate, pulsar
  137. pur- (meaning “pure”): purge, purify, puritan
  138. quadr- (meaning “four”): quadrangle, quadrilateral, quadruped
  139. quae- (meaning “question”): quandary, quaver, query
  140. qual- (meaning “what kind”): qualify, quality, disqualify
  141. quir- (meaning “church” or “temple”): quire, quireful, quirer
  142. radic- (meaning “root”): radical, radicle, eradicate
  143. radix (meaning “root”): radical, radicle, eradicate
  144. rap- (meaning “seize” or “grab”): rapacious, rapt, rapine
  145. re- (meaning “back” or “again”): return, renew, recreate
  146. rec- (meaning “back” or “again”): recant, recent, receipt
  147. red- (meaning “back” or “again”): redo, redolent, reduction
  148. reg- (meaning “rule” or “govern”): regal, regent, regimen
  149. rel- (meaning “back” or “again”): release, relic, relieve
  150. rem- (meaning “back” or “again”): remove, reminder, remodel
  151. ren- (meaning “kidney”): renal, renascence, reniform
  152. rep- (meaning “again” or “back”): report, reprieve, repay
  153. res- (meaning “thing” or “matter”): resort, residue, resource
  154. retro- (meaning “back” or “behind”): retrograde, retrospect, retroactive
  155. rev- (meaning “back” or “again”): revert, review, revision
  156. rout- (meaning “break” or “destroy”): rout, routine, corrupt
  157. sacr- (meaning “sacrifice”): sacrifice, sacrosanct, sacristan
  158. sal- (meaning “salt”): salinity, salsa, salient
  159. sanct- (meaning “holy”): sanctify, sanctity, sanctum
  160. sanguin- (meaning “blood”): sanguine, sanguinary, consanguine
  161. sap- (meaning “taste”): sapid, sapor, insipid
  162. satur- (meaning “full”): saturate, saturation, insatiable
  163. scal- (meaning “ladder”): scale, escalator, scalene
  164. sci- (meaning “know”): science, conscience, omniscient
  165. scrib- (meaning “write”): scribble, scribe, inscription
  166. sect- (meaning “cut” or “follow”): sect, sectarian, insect
  167. sed- (meaning “sit”): sedentary, sediment, seduce
  168. seg- (meaning “follow”): segment, segregation, segue
  169. sequ- (meaning “follow”): sequence, sequel, consequence
  170. sider- (meaning “star”): sideral, siderite, siderosis
  171. sigm- (meaning “S” or “sign”): sigma, signature, significant
  172. sol- (meaning “sun”): solar, solstice, solubility
  173. somn- (meaning “sleep”): somnolent, somniferous, somnambulist
  174. soph- (meaning “wise”): sophism, sophistry, sophisticated
  175. spec- (meaning “look” or “see”): speculum, speculate, spectacular
  176. sper- (meaning “hope”): spermicidal, spermatocyte, asperity
  177. spher- (meaning “sphere”): sphere, spheroid, spherule
  178. spir- (meaning “breathe”): spirit, inspire, respire
  179. stat- (meaning “stand”): static, stationary, state
  180. stell- (meaning “star”): stellar, constellation, stellify
  181. stimul- (meaning “goad” or “urge”): stimulate, stimulus, instigate
  182. stoic- (meaning “endure”): stoic, stoicism, astringent
  183. strat- (meaning “army” or “layer”): strategy, stratosphere, stratify
  184. stru- (meaning “build”): structure, constructive, destructure
  185. sub- (meaning “below” or “under”): subway, subpar, sub-
  186. suc- (meaning “follow”): succeed, success, successor
  187. super- (meaning “above” or “over”): supernatural, superman, superabundant
  188. sur- (meaning “over” or “above”): surpass, surface, surmount
  189. sus- (meaning “swine”): susurrus, susurration, susurrous
  190. tact- (meaning “touch”): tact, tactile, contact
  191. tang- (meaning “touch”): tangent, tangential, tangible
  192. taur- (meaning “bull”): taurus, taurine, tauromachy
  193. techn- (meaning “art” or “craft”): technology, technician, technique
  194. temp- (meaning “time”): temporal, contemporary, temperament
  195. ten- (meaning “hold”): tenacious, tenant, tenement
  196. tend- (meaning “stretch”): tend, tendril, tending
  197. terr- (meaning “earth”): terrain, terrestrial, terraqueous
  198. tesser- (meaning “four”): tessera, tesseral, tesseract
  199. thalam- (meaning “inner chamber”): thalamus, thalassic, thalassocracy
  200. thanat- (meaning “death”): thanatoid, thanatopsis, thanatology
  201. thes- (meaning “put”): thesis, synthesize, synthetic
  202. thorac- (meaning “chest”): thorax, thoracic, thoracentesis
  203. thym- (meaning “mind” or “soul”): thymus, thymic, thymine
  204. tir- (meaning “tire”): tire, retirant, attire
  205. tog- (meaning “cover”): toga, togaed, togate
  206. tom- (meaning “cut”): tome, atomize, anatomy
  207. tract- (meaning “drag” or “draw”): tract, traction, attract
  208. trans- (meaning “across” or “beyond”): transcontinental, transcend, transmit
  209. tri- (meaning “three”): triad, triangle, tricycle
  210. trib- (meaning “give”): tribute, distribute, contribution
  211. trud- (meaning “thrust”): intrude, obtrude, extrude
  212. turb- (meaning “confuse”): turbulent, turbid, disturbance
  213. ul- (meaning “flute”): ululate, ululation, ululant
  214. umbil- (meaning “navel”): umbilical, umbilicate, umbilication
  215. umbr- (meaning “shade”): umbrella, umbrage, adumbrate
  216. un- (meaning “not”): un- (prefix denoting negation or reversal), unruly, untenable
  217. ur- (meaning “original” or “primitive”): primitive, urbane, urbanity
  218. vac- (meaning “empty”): vacuous, vacate, evacuate
  219. vad- (meaning “go”): invade, evade, convalesce
  220. val- (meaning “strong”): valid, valor, valence
  221. van- (meaning “hope”): vanish, vanity, evanescent
  222. vap- (meaning “steam”): vapor, vaporous, vaporize
  223. var- (meaning “change”): variable, variety, variegated
  224. vect- (meaning “carry”): vector, convection, vectorial
  225. veg- (meaning “be alive”): vegetable, vegetation, vegetarian
  226. vel- (meaning “swift”): velocity, velocipede, velitation
  227. ven- (meaning “come”): convene, intervene, venue
  228. vent- (meaning “come”): venture, venturous, ventilate
  229. ver- (meaning “true”): veracity, verify, verdict
  230. verb- (meaning “word”): verb, verbal, verbiage
  231. verv- (meaning “pluck” or “cut”): verve, vervain, vervet
  232. vesper- (meaning “evening”): vesper, vespers, vespertine
  233. vest- (meaning “clothe”): vest, vestment, invest
  234. vex- (meaning “shake” or “trouble”): vex, vexation, vexatious
  235. vi- (meaning “life”): vital, vitamin, vivacious
  236. vic- (meaning “change”): vicissitude, vicissitudes, vice versa
  237. vinc- (meaning “bind”): vinculum, invincible, convivial
  238. viv- (meaning “life”): revive, vivacious, vivisection
  239. voc- (meaning “call”): vocal, vocabulary, invoke
  240. vol- (meaning “will”): voluntary, volition, voluptuous
  241. volv- (meaning “roll”): involve, evolve, revolution
  242. vulg- (meaning “common”): vulgar, vulgate, divulge
  243. xen- (meaning “stranger”): xenophobia, xenogenic, xenolith
  244. xer- (meaning “dry”): xeric, xerophyte, xerosis
  245. xyl- (meaning “wood”): xylem, xylography, xylophone
  246. zoo- (meaning “animal”): zoo, zoology, zoophyte
  247. zym- (meaning “ferment”): enzyme, fermentation, zymogenic

126 Greek Roots in English Words

  1. a- or an- (meaning “not” or “without”): amoral, anarchy, apathy
  2. allo- (meaning “other” or “different”): allocate, allomorph, allophone
  3. andro- (meaning “man” or “male”): android, androgynous, andrology
  4. anti- (meaning “against” or “opposite”): anticlimax, antipathy, antioxidant
  5. arch- (meaning “chief” or “first”): archbishop, archipelago, archetype
  6. astro- (meaning “star”): astronomy, astrophysics, astrobiology
  7. auto- (meaning “self”): autocracy, autograph, automatic
  8. bio- (meaning “life”): biology, biography, biopsy
  9. caco- (meaning “bad”): cacography, cacophony, cacodemon
  10. carcino- (meaning “crab” or “carcinoma”): carcinogen, carcinoma, carcinomatosis
  11. cata- (meaning “down” or “against”): cataclysm, catacombs, catalepsy
  12. ceno- (meaning “new”): cenobite, cenotaph, cenogenesis
  13. chiro- (meaning “hand”): chiropractic, chiromancy, chirosphere
  14. chromo- (meaning “color”): chromosphere, chromatograph, chromatic
  15. chrono- (meaning “time”): chronicle, chronometer, anachronism
  16. chryso- (meaning “gold”): chrysanthemum, chrysocolla, chrysoprase
  17. cine- (meaning “movement”): cinema, cinephile, cineaste
  18. cranio- (meaning “skull”): cranial, craniology, craniofacial
  19. cryo- (meaning “cold”): cryogenics, cryotherapy, cryoscope
  20. cyano- (meaning “blue”): cyanosis, cyanide, cyanobacterium
  21. cyto- (meaning “cell”): cytology, cytokine, cytoskeleton
  22. demi- (meaning “half”): demigod, demitasse, demimonde
  23. demo- (meaning “people”): democracy, demographic, epidemic
  24. dermo- (meaning “skin”): dermatology, dermis, dermabrasion
  25. dia- (meaning “through” or “across”): diagonal, diameter, diary
  26. dyn- (meaning “power” or “force”): dynamic, dynamo, dynamism
  27. dys- (meaning “difficult” or “bad”): dystopia, dyslexia, dyspepsia
  28. eco- (meaning “house” or “home”): ecosystem, economics, ecumenical
  29. electro- (meaning “electricity”): electric, electrode, electrocute
  30. endo- (meaning “within”): endocrine, endoderm, endothermic
  31. epi- (meaning “upon” or “on”): epidemic, epidermis, epilogue
  32. ethno- (meaning “nation” or “culture”): ethnicity, ethnocentric, ethnomusicology
  33. eu- (meaning “good” or “well”): eulogy, euphemism, euphony
  34. gam- (meaning “marriage” or “union”): gamete, polygamy, monogamy
  35. gastro- (meaning “stomach”): gastric, gastronomy, gastroenteritis
  36. geo- (meaning “earth”): geography, geology, geothermal
  37. giga- (meaning “billion”): gigabyte, gigahertz, gigawatt
  38. gnos- (meaning “knowledge”): gnostic, agnostic, prognostic
  39. gymn- (meaning “naked” or “bare”): gymnasium, gymnast, gymnosperm
  40. gyn- (meaning “woman” or “female”): gynecology, gynocracy, gynandrous
  41. gyno- (meaning “woman” or “female”): gynecology, gynocracy, gynecoid
  42. gyro- (meaning “circle” or “turn”): gyroscope, gyrocompass, gyromagnetic
  43. hemi- (meaning “half”): hemisphere, hemispherical, hemophilia
  44. hiero- (meaning “sacred” or “priest”): hieroglyph, hierophant, hieratic
  45. hippo- (meaning “horse”): hippopotamus, hippodrome, hippocracy
  46. holo- (meaning “whole”): hologram, holonomy, holocrine
  47. hom- (meaning “same” or “similar”): homogenize, homophone, homomorphic
  48. hydr- (meaning “water”): hydraulic, hydration, hydrotherapy
  49. hylo- (meaning “matter” or “wood”): hylomorphism, hylotheism, hylozoism
  50. hyper- (meaning “over” or “excess”): hyperactive, hypertension, hyperbole
  51. hypo- (meaning “under” or “below”): hypodermic, hypoglycemic, hypothermia
  52. is- or iso- (meaning “equal”): isomer, isothermal, isosceles
  53. iso- (meaning “equal”): isomer, isothermal, isosceles
  54. kilo- (meaning “thousand”): kilometer, kilogram, kilowatt
  55. kine- (meaning “movement”): kinesiology, kinematics, kinetics
  56. kyto- (meaning “cell”): cytology, cytokine, cytoskeleton
  57. lecith- (meaning “yolk”): lecithin, lecithoproteid, lecithopobia
  58. leuko- (meaning “white”): leukocyte, leukoderma, leukoplakia
  59. lith- (meaning “stone”): lithography, lithology, lithotripter
  60. logo- (meaning “word” or “speech”): logology, logo-syllabic, logography
  61. macro- (meaning “large” or “great”): macrocosm, macroevolution, macroeconomics
  62. mega- (meaning “large” or “great”): megabyte, megaphone, megaparsec
  63. mero- (meaning “part” or “portion”): meronym, meromorphic, meroblastic
  64. meta- (meaning “after” or “beyond”): meta-analysis, meta-ethics, metamorphosis
  65. micro- (meaning “small”): microbe, microcosm, microscope
  66. mono- (meaning “one” or “single”): monochrome, monologue, monopoly
  67. morph- (meaning “shape” or “form”): morphology, metamorphosis, morphogen
  68. muse- (meaning “think” or “reflect”): museum, musing, musing
  69. myo- (meaning “muscle”): myocyte, myosin, myogenic
  70. nano- (meaning “dwarf” or “very small”): nanometer, nanoscience, nanotechnology
  71. neo- (meaning “new”): neonatal, neologism, neophyte
  72. neur- (meaning “nerve”): neuron, neurosis, neurosurgery
  73. neuro- (meaning “nerve”): neurology, neurosis, neurosurgery
  74. noct- (meaning “night”): nocturnal, nocturne, noctilucent
  75. odonto- (meaning “tooth”): odontology, odontoblast, odontoid
  76. onto- (meaning “being” or “essence”): ontogeny, ontology, ontogenic
  77. ortho- (meaning “straight” or “correct”): orthodontics, orthogonal, orthography
  78. osteo- (meaning “bone”): osteology, osteomalacia, osteopathy
  79. oxy- (meaning “sharp” or “acid”): oxymoron, oxygen, oxytocin
  80. paedo- or ped- (meaning “child”): paedology, paediatric, pedagogue
  81. paleo- (meaning “ancient”): paleontology, paleography, paleoanthropology
  82. pan- (meaning “all”): panacea, pandemic, pandemonium
  83. para- (meaning “beside” or “beyond”): paradise, paradox, paragon
  84. path- (meaning “suffering” or “disease”): pathology, sympathize, apathy
  85. pel- (meaning “rock” or “stone”): pelvis, pelagic, pellet
  86. pent- (meaning “five”): pentagon, pentagram, pentameter
  87. pet- (meaning “seek” or “aim for”): petite, petition, competitive
  88. petro- (meaning “rock” or “stone”): petroleum, petroglyph, petrography
  89. phage- (meaning “eat”): bacteriophage, phagocyte, phagocytosis
  90. phil- (meaning “love” or “affinity”): philology, philosopher, philanthropy
  91. philo- (meaning “love” or “affinity”): philosopher, philology, philanthropy
  92. phlegm- (meaning “inflammation” or “mucus”): phlegm, phlegmatic, phlegmon
  93. phon- (meaning “sound”): phonetics, phone, phonograph
  94. phos- (meaning “light”): phosphorescent, phosphorus, photophobia
  95. photo- (meaning “light”): photograph, photosphere, photosynthesis
  96. phren- (meaning “mind” or “soul”): phrenology, phrenic, phrenetic
  97. plas- (meaning “formation” or “creation”): plastic, plasm, plasma
  98. pne- (meaning “breath” or “air”): pneumonia, pneumatic, pneudo-
  99. pod- (meaning “foot”): podiatry, podium, podocyte
  100. poly- (meaning “many”): polygon, polygamy, polymath
  101. pon- (meaning “place” or “set”): component, pontiff, imponderable
  102. proto- (meaning “first” or “original”): prototype, protoplasm, protozoan
  103. pseudo- (meaning “false”): pseudo-intellectual, pseudonym, pseudoscience
  104. psych- (meaning “mind” or “soul”): psychology, psychic, psychosis
  105. psycho- (meaning “mind”): psychology, psychopath, psychedelic
  106. pter- (meaning “wing”): pterodactyl, pterosaur, pterygium
  107. schizo- (meaning “split”): schizophrenia, schizoid, schizocarp
  108. somato- (meaning “body”): somatic, somatotype, somatotropin
  109. sphygmo- (meaning “pulse”): sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, sphygmometry
  110. stereo- (meaning “solid” or “three-dimensional”): stereo-chemical, stereo-isomer, stereo-typical
  111. styl- (meaning “pillar” or “column”): stylus, style, stylobate
  112. syl- (meaning “wood” or “forest”): syllable, syllabus, sylvan
  113. sym- (meaning “together” or “with”): symbol, symphony, symposium
  114. syn- (meaning “together” or “with”): synchronize, synthesis, synapse
  115. tachy- (meaning “fast”): tachycardia, tachyon, tachymetric
  116. tact- (meaning “touch”): tactile, tactic, tactician
  117. tele- (meaning “far” or “distant”): telegraph, telescope, television
  118. the- (meaning “god”): theology, theocracy, pantheon
  119. therapy (meaning “cure” or “treatment”): therapy, therapy, therapeutic
  120. therm- (meaning “heat”): thermometer, thermostat, thermonuclear
  121. tomo- (meaning “cut” or “slice”): tomography, atomize, microtome
  122. tox- (meaning “poison”): toxic, toxin, toxicology
  123. trans- (meaning “across” or “through”): transport, transistor, transatlantic
  124. troph- (meaning “nourishment”): trophy, trophoblast, trophozoite
  125. typh- (meaning “smoke”): typhoon, typhus, typhlitis
  126. zeo- (meaning “boil”): zeolite, zeorin, zeon
  127. Greek Word Detective worksheet

-love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott

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