243 Reading Storybooks, Grades K-4.zip (1.62GB)
This is a wonderful collection of 243 reading storybooks for beginning and elementary readers, typically grades Kindergarten through 4. This is one large zip file, 1.62 gb in size, that unzips into a folder named “243 Reading Storybooks, Grades K-4”. (Dropbox says “This file is too big to preview”, but you can still download it by selecting or clicking on the Download icon at top right.) After unzipping, go to that folder and select or click on the “index.html” file to open the home page in your browser. The folder takes 1.66 gb of space on your hard drive. You will not need an internet connection to access and view the books, which are all in pdf format. There are three reading book sections in this collection, sourced from: Story Weaver of Pratham Books (65 books), Let’s Read of The Asia Foundation’s Books for Asia (47 books) and Bloom Library (131 books).

– love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott
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