Heritage History – 125 Classic Books for Lower Grades
This is the series of 125 Heritage History Classic Books for elementary and lower grade students. These books were written about 100 years ago but provide a good and thorough reading and learning experience for many events and people in world, ancient, middle ages and United States history, without the added fluff and distractions of modern children’s books. These heritage history books have illustrations, a modern typeface and are not scanned, so they are easy to read and enjoy. They are also appropriate for read-aloud to younger children. Each book is available in both pdf and epub formats. You may also like to see these related pages: History Books for Young Readers, by Jacob & John Abbott, 243 Reading Storybooks, Grades K-4 and 70 Classic Story Books for Young People to Read and Enjoy.
Categories of Classic Heritage History Books:
- Ancient Civilizations and Heroes
- Middle Ages and Heroes Of The Middle Ages
- American History and American Heroes
- World History
- Exploration and Modern Heroes
- Geography
- Bible Stories and Christian Heroes
- Epics, Legends, Myths and Folk Tales
- Adapted Literature
- Historical Fiction
Ancient Civilizations and Heroes
- Stories from Greek History, by Ethelwyn Lemon (epub)
- Stories from Roman History, by Lena Dalkeith (epub)
- Stories from Ancient Rome, by Alfred Church (epub)
- Famous Men of Greece, by John Haaren (epub)
- Famous Men of Rome, by John Haaren (epub)
- Childrens Plutarch, Tales of the Greeks, by FJ Gould (epub)
- Children’s Plutarch, Tales of the Romans, by FJ Gould (epub)
Middle Ages and Heroes Of The Middle Ages
- Cambridge Historical Readers, Primary, by Cambridge Press (epub)
- Stories from French History, by Lena Dalkeith (epub)
- Stories from English History, by Hilda Skae (epub)
- Old Time Tales, by Lawton Evans (epub)
- Stories from the Crusades, by Janet Kelman (epub)
- Viking Tales, by Jennie Hall (epub)
- Stories of the Vikings, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Famous Men of the Middle Ages, by John Haaren (epub)
- Stories of William Tell and His Friends, by HE Marshall (epub)
- The Story of Francis Drake, by O Elton (epub)
- The Story of Raleigh, by MD Kelly (epub)
American History and American Heroes
- American History Stories Vol I, by Mara Pratt (epub)
- American History Stories Vol II, by Mara Pratt (epub)
- American History Stories Vol III, by Mara Pratt (epub)
- American History Stories Vol IV, by Mara Pratt (epub)
- First Book in American History, by Edward Eggleston (epub)
- America First, 100 Stories from Our History, by Lawton Evans (epub)
- An American Book of Golden Deeds, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Stories of American Life and Adventure, by Edward Eggleston (epub)
- Stories of the Pilgrims, by MB Pumphrey (epub)
- The Story of Abraham Lincoln, by MA Hamilton (epub)
- Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans, by Edward Eggleston (epub)
- Four Great Americans, a Book for Young Americans, by James Baldwin (epub)
World History
- Fifty Famous Stories, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Fifty Famous People, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Thirty More Famous Stories, by James Baldwin (epub)
Exploration and Modern Heroes
- The Men Who Found America, by FW Hutchinson (epub)
- The Story of Columbus, by GM Imlach (epub)
- The Story of Captain Cook, by John Lang (epub)
- The Story of Livingstone, by Vautier Golding (epub)
- The Story of HM Stanley, by Vautier Golding (epub)
- Famous Men of Modern Times, by John Haaren (epub)
- The Story of General Gordon, by Jeanie Lang (epub)
- The Story of Robert Bruce, by Jeanie Lang (epub)
- The Story of Lord Clive, by John Lang (epub)
- The Story of Nelson, by Edmund Sellar (epub)
- The Story of Lord Roberts, by Edmund Sellar (epub)
- The Story of Napoleon, by HE Marshall (epub)
- Panama, by Edith Browne (epub)
- Portugal, by Edith Browne (epub)
- South America, by Edith Browne (epub)
- Spain, by Edith Browne (epub)
Bible Stories and Christian Heroes
- Stories from the Life of Christ for Children, by Janet Kelman (epub)
- Old Testament Stories for Children, by Louey Chisholm (epub)
- Nursery Book of Bible Stories, by Amy Steedman (epub)
- Heroes of Israel, by Lawton Evans (epub)
- Stories of Saints Christopher and Cuthbert, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Our Island Saints, by Amy Steedman (epub)
- Legends and Stories of Italy for Children, by Amy Steedman (epub)
- In God’s Garden, Stories of the Saints for Children by Amy Steedman (epub)
- God’s Troubadour, the Story of St Francis of Assisi, by Sophie Jewett (epub)
- The Story of Joan of Arc, by Andrew Lang (epub)
- Saints and Friendly Beasts, by Abbie Brown (epub)
Epics, Legends, Myths and Folk Tales
- Stories of King Arthur’s Knights, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Stories from the Iliad of the Siege of Troy, by Jeanie Lang (epub)
- Stories from the Odyssey, by Jeanie Lang (epub)
- Stories from Dante, Told to Children, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Stories of Roland, by HE Marshall (epub)
- Stories of Beowulf, by HE Marshall (epub)
- Stories of Siegfried, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Stories of Guy of Warwick, by HE Marshall (epub)
- Stories of Robin Hood, by HE Marshall (epub)
- Page, Esquire and Knight, a Book of Chivalry, by Marion Lansing (epub)
- Book of Legends, by Horace Scudder (epub)
- West African Folk Tales, by William Barker (epub)
- Native Fairy Tales of South Africa, by Ethel McPherson (epub)
- Celtic Stories Told to Children, by Louey Chisholm (epub)
- Stories from the Ballads, by Mary Macgregor (epub)
- Jataka Tales, by Ellen Babbitt (epub)
- More Jataka Tales, by Ellen Babbitt (epub)
- The Golden Age – Heroes of the Olden Time, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Gods and Heroes, The Kingdom of Jupiter, by RE Francillon (epub)
- Old Greek Stories, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Old Greek Folk Stories, by JP Peabody (epub)
Adapted Literature
- Aesop for Children, with Pictures, by Milo Winter (epub)
- Ivanhoe, Told to the Children, by Ethel Lindsay (epub)
- Stories from the Faerie Queen, by Jeanie Lang (epub)
- Pilgrims Progress, Told to Children, by Mary Macgrego (epub)
- Stories of Don Quixote, Written Anew for Young People, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Robinson Crusoe, Written Anew for Children, by James Baldwin (epub)
- Stories from Robinson Crusoe, by John Lang (epub)
- Stories from Gulliver’s Travels, by John Lang (epub)
- Stories from the Arabian Nights, by Amy Steedman (epub)
- Stories from Wagner, by CE Smith (epub)
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Told to Children, by HE Marshall (epub)
Historical Fiction
- Our Little Celtic Cousin, by Evaleen Stein (epub)
- Our Little Crusader Cousin, by Evaleen Stein (epub)
- Gabriel and the Hour Book, by Evaleen Stein (epub)
- Our Little Norman Cousin, by Evaleen Stein (epub)
- Our Little Athenian Cousin, by Julia Cowle (epub)
- Our Little Spartan Cousin, by Julia Cowles (epub)
- Our Little Roman Cousin, by Julia Cowles (epub)
- Our Little Saxon Cousin, by Julia Cowles (epub)
- Our Little Viking Cousin, by CH Johnston (epub)
- Our Little Carthaginian Cousin, by CV Winlow (epub)
- Puritan Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Eskimo Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Scotch Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Belgian Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- French Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Dutch Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Swiss Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Spartan Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Japanese Twins, by Lucy Perkins (epub)
- Peter of New Amsterdam, a Story of Old New York, by James Otis (epub)
- Ruth of Boston, a Story of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, by James Otis (epub)
- Martha of California, a Story of the California Trail, by James Otis (epub)
- Seth of Colorado, a Story of the Settlement of Denver, by James Otis (epub)
- Richard of Jamestown, a Story of the Virginia Colony, by James Otis (epub)
- Hannah of Kentucky, a Story of the Wilderness Road, by James Otis (epub)
- Calvert of Maryland, a Story of Lord Baltimores Colony, by James Otis (epub)
- Benjamin of Ohio, by James Otis (epub)
- Antoine of Oregon, a Story of the Oregon Trail, by James Otis (epub)
- Stephen of Philadelphia, a Story of Penns Colony, by James Otis (epub)
- Mary of Plymouth, a Story of the Pilgrim Settlement, by James Otis (epub)
- Philip of Texas, a Story of Sheep Raising in Texas, by James Otis (epub)
- Three Greek Children, by Alfred Church (epub)
- Otto of the Silver Hand, by Howard Pyle (epub)
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I’m so in love with this. You did a great job!! Thank you.