9 Excellent Middle School Math Textbooks with Solutions
This is a well-presented set of middle school math texts for 6th, 7th and 8th grades put a smile on my face when I discovered them. Each one includes embedded videos and solutions to the problems that are taught in a clear, understandable manner. You can access each of these math textbooks with either better or lower-quality graphics, depending on your choice of file size, as seen in the file name in the dropbox folder linked above. For much more, please visit our Free Middle School Math Learning and Instruction Materials page.
Students develop better problem-solving abilities in middle school math, which are transferable to real life. Mathematics fosters inquisitiveness and creative thinking and boosts students’ confidence. Middle school mathematics requires creativity and the ability to recognize patterns. As students gain resiliency, tenacity, and creativity skills, they may be better equipped to handle challenging technological problems and the complexities of real life. Competence in mathematics is essential for many well-paying occupations, including those in engineering, technology, finance, and data analysis.
- Middle School Math Grade 6 -128mb (21mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Grade 7 -367mb (44mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Grade 8 -332mb (46mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 6 -123mb (23mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 7 -485mb (55mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 8 -115mb (21mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 6 -92mb (24mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 7 -467mb (51mb less quality)
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 8 -242mb (33mb less quality)
Grade 6 Contents:
- Number Sense and Variable Expressions
- Statistics and Measurement
- Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
- Multiplication and Division of Decimals
- Number Patterns and Fractions
- Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Multiplication and Division of Fractions
- Geometric Figures
- Geometry and Measurement
- Integers
- Equations and Functions; Probability
Grade 7 Contents:
- Algebraic Thinking
- Using Decimals
- Using Fractions
- Using Integers
- Using Ratios, Rates and Proportions
- Using Percents
- Equations, Inequalities and Functions
- Geometry
- Distance and Area
- Surface Area and Volume
- Data and Statistics
- Probability
Grade 8 Contents:
- Using Algebra
- Using Rational Numbers
- Single Variable Equations and Inequalities
- Applying Proportions
- Applying Percents
- Geometry and Transformations
- Using Real Numbers and Right Triangles
- Measurement, Area and Volume
- Linear Functions and Graphs
- Analyzing Data
- Using Probability
- Polynomials; Quadratic, Exponential Functions
You may also want to look at these other pre-algebra learning resources on BestEdLessons:
- Prealgebra Textbook for Middle School and Above
- Pre-Algebra Textbook
- 383 Pre-Algebra Videos by Khan Academy
- Algebra2Go – Prealgebra Course from Saddleback College
- 8 Pre-Algebra Practice Tests, Reviews & Textbook -with Answers
-love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott
Hey there! Great post on these middle school math textbooks! I appreciate all of the content on this website, thanks so much.
These textbooks are great! Can anyone help me find the solutions for the practice sets?
Specifically, the ck12 middle school math textbooks. Where do I find the solultions?
Jeff, some of these texts have solutions, I believe. I will look and try to find them or locate elsewhere on the internet.