654 Classic Reading Books, Primers and Readers
Well, I think I outdid myself with this post. Presented here are a total of 654 Classic Readers, Reading Books and Primers for children of all ages. These books are great for improving reading capabilities, from the kindergarten and first grade to middle school and high school. Some of the reading books are nicely illustrated and several cover specific subject areas, including science, history, natural history, health, domestic science and etymology,
There are just too many books here to provide links to each one, so please go to the dropbox folder (also linked above) to browse, view and download them, as you’d like. Some of my favorite books here are: A Primary Reader Old-time Stories, Fairy Tales and Myths, Retold by Children (1896), All the Year Round, a Nature Reader Part 3 Spring (1896), Baldwins Fairy Stories and Fables, Second Reader Grade, Classics Old and New, A Series of School Readers, Second Reader (1906), Memory Gems, Graded Selections in Prose and Verse (1883) and Texas Her Stories An Historical Reader for the Grades (1908). All files are in pdf format. For more reading books, please take a look at 50 Best Classic Books for Children and Young People, 243 Reading Storybooks, Grades K-4, Classic Books to Help Improve Self-Esteem and Respect for Young Readers and 70 Classic Story Books for Young People to Read and Enjoy.
- A Apple Pie 1900
- A Apple Pie and Other Nursery Tales, forty-eight pages of illustrations (1870)
- A City Reader for the Fourth Year (1916)
- A City Reader, Our City (1910)
- A Complete Etymology of the English Language (1895)
- A Course of Elementary Reading in Science and Literature
- A First Book of Electricity and Magnetism for the Use of Elementary Science
- A First Reader (1895)
- A Hand-book of the Engrafted Words of the English Language, Gothic Celtic French Latin Greek (1854)
- A Health Primer, Lessons and Stories for study and supplementary reading in primary grades (1904)
- A Mythological, Etymological, and Historical Dictionary (1793)
- A Natural History Reader for School and Home (1883)
- A Primary Reader Old-time Stories, Fairy Tales and Myths, Retold by Children (1896)
- A Primer of Ethics
- A Reading Book in Irish History, for Fourth Standard (1901)
- A Well-Planned Course in Reading with Elocutionary Advice (1901)
- Abbotts First Reader (1854)
- Action Readings, A Supplementary Method of Teaching Beginners to Read (1905)
- Advanced First Reader (1902)
- Advanced Reader, specially prepared to elicit thought and to facilitate composition
- Aldine First Language Book for Grades Three and Four (1913)
- Aldine Language Method, Part One, A Manual for Teachers Using the First Language Book (1913)
- Aldine Language Method, Part Three, A Manual for Teachers Using the Third Language Book (1917)
- Aldine Language Method, Part Two, A Manual for Teachers Using the Second Language Book (1914)
- Aldine Readers Book Five (1920)
- Aldine Readers Book Four (1908)
- Aldine Readers Book One (1916)
- Aldine Readers Book Three (1907)
- Aldine Readers Book Two (1918)
- Aldine Readers First Reader (1906)
- Aldine Readers Primer (1907)
- Aldine Readers, Learning to Read, Manual for Teachers Using the Aldine Readers (1918)
- Aldine Second Language Book for Grades Five and Six (1914)
- Aldine Third Language Book for Grades Seven and Eight (1917)
- All the Year Round, a Nature Reader Part 1 Autumn (1896)
- All the Year Round, a Nature Reader Part 2 Winter (1896)
- All the Year Round, a Nature Reader Part 3 Spring (1896)
- American Classics for Seventh and Eighth Grade Reading; (1909)
- An Elocutionary Manual (1865)
- An Etymological Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language, Greek Latin French (1826)
- An Etymological Dictionary or Analysis of the English Language, Greek Latin French (1821)
- An Etymological Manual of the English Language, Latin Greek Saxon Roots (1843)
- An Etymological Manual of the English Language
- An Historical Reader for the Use of Classes in Academies, High schools, and Grammar schools (1884)
- Analytical Fifth Reader, Edwards (1867)
- Analytical Sixth Reader, Edwards (1868)
- Appletons School Readers, The Fifth Reader (1878)
- Appletons School Readers, The First Reader (1883)
- Appletons School Readers, The Fourth Reader (1880)
- Appletons School Readers, The Second Reader (1879)
- Appletons School Readers, The Third Reader (1885)
- Baldwins Another Fairy Reader
- Baldwins Eighth Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Fairy Stories and Fables, Second Reader Grade
- Baldwins Fifth Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Fourth Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Second Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Seventh Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Sixth Reader (1911)
- Baldwins Third Reader (1897)
- Beacon New Primer (1912)
- Beacon New Primer (1921)
- Beacon Reading, a Manual of Instructions for Teachers Using the Beacon Readers
- Blackwood First Historical Reader England Before Christ – 1153 AD (1883)
- Blackwood Second Historical Reader England 1154-1603 AD (1883)
- Blackwood Third Historical Reader England 1603-Present (1883)
- Boy Life Stories and Readings arranged for supplementary reading in elementary schools (1909)
- Brooks Fifth Reader (1910)
- Brooks First Reader (1910)
- Brooks Fourth Reader (1910)
- Brooks Primer (1906)
- Brooks Second Reader (1910)
- Brooks Third Reader (1910)
- Brooks Third Reader Book (1910)
- Brownie Phonograms Book 1, Johnstone (1915)pdf
- Burnz – Progess Chart
- Burnz – Step By Step Primer, by the use of Burnz Pronouncing Prints – the best
- Burnz – Step By Step Primer
- Chambers Narrative Series of Standard Reading Books Book 2 (1863)
- Chambers Narrative Series of Standard Reading Books Book 3 (1863)
- Chambers Narrative Series of Standard Reading Books Book 4 (1863)
- Chambers Narrative Series of Standard Reading Books Book 5 (1863)
- Chambers Narrative Series of Standard Reading Books Book 6 (1863)333
- Chambers National Reading Books, First Book (1867)
- Chambers National Reading Books, First Book Step First (1867)
- Chambers National Reading Books, Fourth Book (1867)
- Chambers National Reading Books, Second Book (1867)
- Chambers National Reading Books, Sixth Book (1867)
- Chambers National Reading Books, The National Primer (1893)
- Chambers National Reading Books, Third Book (1867)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 1 (1872)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 2 (1872)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 3 (1872)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 4 (1872)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 5 (1872)
- Chambers Supplementary Reader, from instructive and entertaining tracts, Book 6 (1872)
- Chambers The Rudiments of Knowledge or Third Book of Reading
- Child Classics The Fifth Reader (1909)
- Child Classics The First Reader (1909)
- Child Classics The Fourth Reader (1909)
- Child Classics The Primer (1909)
- Child Classics The Sixth Reader (1917)
- Child Classics The Third Reader (1918)
- Child Classics the Third Reader
- Child Life in Literature A Fourth Reader (1900)
- Child Life in Tale and Fable, A Second Reader, Book 2
- Choice Literature Book Four Revised and Illustrated (1912)
- Choice Literature Book One for Grammar Grades (1898)
- Choice Literature Book One for Intermediate Grades (1898)
- Choice Literature Book One for Primary Grades (1898)
- Choice Literature Book One Revised and Illustrated (1912)
- Choice Literature Book Seven Revised and Illustrated (1912)
- Choice Literature Book Two For Grammar Grades (1898)
- Choice Literature Book Two for Intermediate Grades (1898)
- Choice Literature Book Two for Primary Grades (1900)
- Choice Readings for Public and Private Entertainments with Elocutionary Advice (1923)
- Christian Brothers Advanced Reader, To Elicit Thought and to Facilitate Literary Composition (1884)
- Christian Brothers Fifth Reader
- Christian Brothers First Reader Phonetic (1920)
- Christian Brothers Primer (1884)
- City and Town, a Fourth Reader (1916)
- City and Town, a Third Reader (1912)
- Classics Old and New, A Series of School Readers, Fifth Reader (1906)
- Classics Old and New, A Series of School Readers, Fourth Reader (1906)
- Classics Old and New, A Series of School Readers, Second Reader (1906)
- Classics Old and New, A Series of School Readers, Third Reader (1906)
- Cobbs Juvenile Reader 2
- Cobbs Juvenile Reader 3
- Cobbs Reader 3 containing interesting, historical, moral, and instructive reading lessons (1831)
- Cobbs Sequel to the Juvenile Readers, Comprising a Selection of Lessons in Prose and Poetry (1834)
- Colonial Days, a Historical Reader
- Cyr Advanced First Reader (1901)
- Cyr First Reader (1893)
- Cyr Fourth Reader (1903)
- Cyr Interstate Primer and First Reader (1886)
- Cyr Primer (1899)
- Cyr Second Reader (1894)
- Cyr Third Reader (1903)
- Dale Infant Reader, A Primer of School Methods (1907)
- De La Salle Fifth Reader
- De La Salle First Reader (Phonetic) Christian Brothers
- Derivation of Words with Exercises on Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems (1896)
- Dolch First Grade Reading Book
- Dolch Primer Reading Book
- Dolch Second Grade Reading Book
- Dolch Third Grade Reading Book
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 1
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 2
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 4
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 5
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 6
- Domestic Science Readers, Murche, Book 7
- Dominion School Reader, The First Reader (1891)
- Dominion School Reader, The Second Reader (1891)
- Easy Lessons in Popular Science, And Handbook to Pictorial Chart
- Easy Steps for Little Feet, Readings in Prose and Rhyme, Supplementary to First Reader
- Eclectic School Readings, Fifty Famous Stories Retold (1896)
- Eclectic School Readings, Reynard the Fox (1903)
- Eighth Reader, the Introduction to Literature (1919)
- Elementary Science, Nature Study, and Practical Work in preparatory schools
- Elocutionary Reader and Graded Recitations (1914)
- Elocutionary Studies and New Recitations (1892)
- Elson Primary School Reader (1913) Book 1
- Elson Primary School Reader (1913) Book 2
- Elson Primary School Reader (1913) Book 3
- Elson Primary School Reader (1913) Book 4
- English Words as Spoken and Written (1900)
- English Words with Native Roots and with Greek, Latin or Romance Suffixes (1916)
- Essentials of English Speech and Literature (1915)
- Etymological Reader, Greek and Latin English Levels (1872)
- Everyday Classics Eighth Reader (1919)
- Everyday Classics Fifth Reader (1918)
- Everyday Classics First Reader (1922)
- Everyday Classics Fourth Reader (1920)
- Everyday Classics Seventh Reader (1918)
- Everyday Classics Sixth Reader (1921)
- Everyday Classics Third Reader (1920)
- Everyday Classics, The Teaching of Reading A Manual to Accompany Fifth and Sixth Readers (1917)
- Everyday Classics, The Teaching of Reading A Manual to Accompany First Reader (1921)
- Everyday Classics, The Teaching of Reading A Manual to Accompany Seventh and Eighth Readers (1917)
- Everyday Classics, The Teaching of Reading A Manual to Accompany Third and Fourth Readers (1917)
- Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred, For the Third Reader Grade (1887)
- Fifth Reader, Blodget (1910)
- Finger Play Reader (1909)
- First Book of Zoology
- First Historical Reader for Standard 2, English Roman and Saxon Period
- First Natural History Reader, Standard 2
- First Natural History Reader
- First Primary Reader (1860)
- First Reader Combining Observation, Science and Literature (1897)
- First Reader, Blodget (1910)
- First Reader, California State Series (1910)
- First Reading book in easy and familiar words (1867)
- First Science Reader (1894)
- First Steps in Reading, An Introduction to the Graduated Series of English, Laurie (1862)
- Foundation Readers Book Four (1911)
- Foundation Readers Book Two (1905)
- Fourth Natural History Reader
- Golden Treasury Readers First Reader
- Golden Treasury Readers First Readers
- Golden Treasury Readers Fourth Reader
- Golden Treasury Readers Primer (1909)
- Golden Treasury Readers Second Reader (1909)
- Golden Treasury Readers Second Reader
- Golden Treasury Readers Third Reader
- Gordons A Manual for Teachers of Primary Reading, Gordon (1918)
- Gordons New Fourth Reader (1918)
- Gordons New Third Reader (1918)
- Gordons Third Reader (1918)2
- Graded Classics Fifth Reader (1903)
- Graded Classics First Reader (1901)
- Graded Language Exercises the Three Parts Combined
- Grimms Fairy Tales For Primary Reader Grades (1903)
- Haliburton First Reader (1908)
- Haliburton First Reader (1912)
- Haliburton Second Reader (1908)
- Haliburton Second Reader (1912)
- Haliburton Third Reader (1912)
- Handbook of Nature Study, for teachers and pupils in elementary schools (1898)
- Harrys Ladder to Learning (1850)
- Hazens Fifth Reader (1896)
- Hazens Fourth Reader (1895)
- Hazens Primer and First Reader (1895)
- Hazens Second Reader (1896)
- Hazens Third Reader (1896)
- Heath Readers Primer
- High School Reader I (1921)
- Hillard, A Second Class Reader (1861)
- Hillard, A Third Class Reader (1861)
- Hillard, Fourth Reader (1876)
- Hillard, Second Reader (1866)
- Hillard, The Intermediate Reader (1876)
- Hillards Primer, edited in pronouncing orthography (1877)
- Historical Reader No 1, Instructive Stories from English History
- Historical Reader No 2, Stories from English History
- Historical Reader No 3, Outlines of the History of England, Part 1, to the Tudor Period
- Historical Reader, a Story of the Indians of New England
- Historical Readings for the Use of Teachers Reading Circles
- Horace Mann First Reader (1909)
- Horace Mann Introductory Second Reader (1914)
- Horace Mann Introductory Third Reader (1916)
- Horace Mann New Primer (1911)
- Horace Mann Primer (1911)
- Horace Mann Second Reader (1909)
- How to Secure and Retain Attention (1889)
- Howel Readers, How to teach reading, a revised manual for teachers of the New Howell Primer (1919)
- Howell First Reader (1911)
- Howell Primer (1912)
- Howell Second Reader (1911)
- Hughes Illustrated Anecdotal Natural History
- Hughes Natural History Readers, Standard 5
- Hughes Natural History Readers, Standard 6 and 7
- Hughes Science Readers Book Four
- Hughes Science Readers Book One
- Independent Fifth Reader
- Independent First Reader
- Independent Primary Reader, an alternative of the independent first reader
- Independent Second Reader
- Independent Sixth Reader
- Indians and Pioneers An Historical Reader for the Young (1897)
- Inductive Elementary Science with Inexpensive Apparatus and Without Lab Equipment
- Intermediate reader or Primary school first class book (1848)
- Introduction to the English reader or A selection of pieces in prose and poetry (1824)
- Introduction to The Gradual Reader or Primary School Enunciator (1849)
- Introduction to the Gradual reader or Primary school enunciator, pt. 2
- John Heywoods Supplementary Manchester Readers, The Historic Reader Standards 5 & 6
- John Heywoods Supplementary Manchester Readers, The Scientific Reader Standards 5 and 6
- Juvenile Lessons or The Childs First Reading Book, Smith (1833)
- Kendall First Reader (1917)
- Kendall Fourth Reader (1920)
- Kendall Second Reader (1917)
- Kendall Third Reader (1918)
- Lakeside Literature Readers Seventh Grade, classics (1915)
- Language Exercises for Primary Schools following the course of study
- Language Reader Fourth year (1906)
- Language Reader Sixth Year (1909)
- Language Reader, Fifth Year (1906)
- Language Reader, First Year (1906)
- Language Reader, Fourth Year (1906)
- Language Reader, Primer (1909)
- Language Reader, Second Year (1906)
- Language Reader, Third Year (1906)
- Legends of the Red Children, A Supplementary Reader for Fourth and Fifth Grade Pupils (1897)
- Lessons in English – Grammar and Composition
- Lessons in Nature Study
- Lessons in Nature, Volume 1
- Lessons on Manners for School and Home Use
- Life and Literature Readers First Reader (1914)
- Literature Reader, Sixth Year California State Series (1916)
- Literature, Fifth Reader Hawthorne Readers (1901)
- Literature, Fourth Reader Hawthorne Readers (1901)
- Living Creatures of Water, Land and Air, for the fourth reader grade
- Magee Intermediate Reader Part One, Fourth Year (1922)
- McGuffreys Eclectic Fourth Reader, Containing Elegant Extracts in Prose and Poetry (1838)
- Memory Gems, Graded Selections in Prose and Verse (1883)
- Merrill Readers, Seventh Reader
- Modern Americans a biographical school reader for the upper grades (1918)
- Monroes Advanced Second Reader (1884)
- Monroes Advanced Third Reader (1883)
- Monroes Fifth Reader (1873)
- Monroes First Reader (1873)
- Monroes Fourth Reader (1883)
- Monroes How to Teach Reading, A manual to Accompany Monroes New Primer
- Monroes New Fifth Reader (1884)
- Monroes New First Reader (1882)
- Monroes New Fourth Reader (1884)
- Monroes New Second Reader (1884)
- Monroes New Third Reader (1885)
- Monroes Third Reader (1873)
- Natural History Series, Book of Cats and Dogs And Other Friends, First Reader Grade
- Natural History Series, Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors, For Young Folks (1888)
- Natural History Series, Glimpses of the Animate World
- Natural History Series, Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs, and Their Kin, For Boys and Girls
- Natural History Series, Neighbors with Wings and Fins, and Some Others for Young People
- Natural History Series, Some Curious Flyers, Creepers and Swimmers
- Natural Reading Primer (1906)
- Nature Study A Pupils Text-book
- Nature Study in Elementary Schools First Reader
- Nature Study in Elementary Schools Second Reader, Myths, Stories, Poems (1899)
- Nature Study Lessons for Primary Grades
- New Code Progressive Reader Fifth Standard
- New Code Progressive Reader Sixth Standard (1873)
- New Code Progressive Reader Third Standard
- New Language Exercises for Primary Schools, Part 1
- New National Fifth Reader (1884)
- New National First Reader (1884)
- New National Fourth Reader (1884)
- New National Primer (1885)
- New National Second Reader (1883)
- New National Third Reader (1884)
- Old Greek Stories, Third Reader Grade (1895)
- On the Teaching of the English Language – Primers 1 2 3
- One Hundred Lessons in Nature Study Around My School
- Opera Stories from Wagner A Reader for Primary Grades (1915)
- Organic Pronounciation or Reading Made Easy (1830)
- Oriel Historical Reader, Book Four, Norman and Plantagenet Periods
- Oriel Readers. First Standard
- Osgoods Progressive Fifth Reader (1858)
- Osgoods Progressive Fifth Reader (1872)
- Osgoods Progressive Second Reader (1855)
- Osgoods Progressive Sixth Reader (1873)
- Outlines in Nature Study and History, A Text-book for Pupils in Elementary Schools
- Parmly First Reader
- Parmly Method Teachers Manual
- Parmly Second Reader
- Parmly Third Reader
- Pollards Advanced Reader
- Pollards First Book for Little Folks
- Pollards Synthetic First Reader
- Pollards Synthetic Primer
- Pollards Synthetic Second Reader
- Pollards Synthetic Third Reader
- Popular Science Reader Containing Lessons and Selections in Natural History
- Practical Selections from Twenty Years of Normal Instructor and Primary Plans
- Primary Phonotypic Reader (1847)
- Primary Reader A Selection of Easy Reading Lessons (1848)
- Primary Readers
- Primer Fifth Reader (1908)
- Primer Fourth English Reader
- Primer Reader (1911)
- Primer Sixth English Reader
- Progressive Course in Reading, Fifth Book Part 1 (1900)
- Progressive Course in Reading, Fifth Book Part 2 (1900)
- Progressive Course in Reading, Fourth Book Part 1 (1900)
- Progressive Course in Reading, Second Book (1899)
- Progressive Course in Reading, Third Book (1900)
- Progressive Fifth Elocutionary Reader (1857)
- Progressive Reader Or Juvenile Monitor (1837)
- Reading For Meaning – Comprehension
- Reading Literature A Manual for Teachers to accompany the primer, first and second readers
- Reading Literature Eighth Reader (1919)
- Reading Literature First Reader
- Reading Literature Fourth Reader
- Reading Literature Second Reader
- Reading Literature Seventh Reader (1918)
- Reading Literature Sixth Reader
- Reading Literature The Primer (1910)
- Reading Literature Third Reader (1912)
- Reading Without Tears, Mortimer, Vol 1 (1866)
- Reading Without Tears, Mortimer, Vol 2 (1901)
- Readings from the Book of Nature (1893)
- Readings in Literature Eighth Reader Book Two (1919)
- Readings in Natural History, Animal Memoirs Part 1 Birds
- Readings in Natural History, Animal Memoirs Part 1 Mammals
- Real Things in Nature, a Reading Book of Science for American Boys and Girls
- Review diagrams of US history civil government geography grammar reading arithmetic
- Rhyme and Story Primer (1916)
- Rural Science Reader
- Sadliers Dominion First Reader part first (1883)
- Sadliers Dominion First Reader part second (1883)
- Sadliers Dominion Fourth Reader (1891)
- Sadliers Dominion Second Reader (1886)
- Sadliers Excelsior Fifth Reader (1877)
- Sadliers Excelsior Fourth Reader (1876)
- Sadliers Excelsior Third Reader (1876)
- Sanders Union Pictorial Primer Introductory to the Union Reader (1869)
- Sanders Union Reader For Primary Schools and Families, Number 1
- Sanders Union Reader For Primary Schools and Families, Number 2
- Sanders Union Reader For Primary Schools and Families, Number 3
- Sanders Union Reader, Fifth Reader
- Sanders Union Reader, Fourth Reader
- Sanders Young Ladies Reader, embracing a comprehensive course of instruction
- School and Family Fifth Reader (1863)
- School and Family First Reader (1861)
- School and Family Fourth Reader (1860)
- School and Family Primer (1860)
- School and Family Reader of a grade between the second and third(1860)
- School and Family Second Reader (1863)
- School and Family Third Reader (1863)
- Science Readers Book 1
- Science Readers Book 2
- Science Readers Book 5
- Science Readers Book 6
- Science Readers Book 7
- Scottish History, a Reading Book for Junior Classes (1879)
- Second Book of Reading Lessons (1879)
- Second Natural History Reader
- Second Reader (1899)
- Second Reader, California State Series (1866)
- Second Reader, Stories of Plants and Animals (1904)
- Second Reading Book in the Primary School, to follow the reading lessons of My first School-book (1843)
- See and Say Series, Book 1 Teachers Manual
- See and Say Series, Book 1
- See and Say Series, Book 2 Teachers Manual
- See and Say Series, Book 2
- See and Say Series, Book 3 Teachers Manual
- See and Say Series, Book 3
- Select Recitations, Orations and Dramatic Scenes, An Elocutionary Manual (1902)
- Selections from the Youths Companion for Supplementary Reading in Schools Book 1 (1896)
- Selections from the Youths Companion for Supplementary Reading in Schools Book 3 (1896)
- Selections from the Youths Companion for Supplementary Reading in Schools Book 5 (1894)
- Seven American Classics, Supplementary to Fifth Reader
- Seven British Classics, Supplementary to Fifth Reader
- Sheldons Fifth Reader (1875)
- Sheldons Supplementary Reading, Third Book (1886)
- Sixth Natural History Reader
- Smeldons Modern School Fourth Reader (1885)
- Smeldons Modern School Second Reader (1885)
- Standard Classic Reader Book Four for Eighth Grade (1914)
- Standard Classic Reader Book Two for Sixth Grade (1912)
- Step by Step Primer – burnz
- Stories for Children, First Reader Grade (1895)
- Stories from English History, Historical Reader 1
- Stories of American Explorers, a Historical Reader
- Story Hour Readings – 4th Year
- Story Hour Readings – 7th Year
- Story Hour Readings – 8th Year
- Summers Manual First Lessons in Reading
- Summers Primer
- Summers Readers First Reader
- Summers Readers Second Reader
- Summers The Thought Reader, Book 1
- Supplementary Reading for Primary Schools (1881)
- Supplementary Reading for Primary Schools, Second Book (1880)
- Swintons Advanced First Reader (1886)
- Swintons Advanced Fourth Reader (1886)
- Swintons Book of Tales, School Readings, Imaginative and Emotional in Prose and Poetry (1880)
- Swintons Fifth Reader and Speaker (1881)
- Swintons First Reader (1883)
- Swintons Fourth Reader (1883)
- Swintons Golden Book of Choice Reading Supplementary to the Second Reader
- Swintons Primer and First Reader (1883)
- Swintons Second Reader (1882)
- Swintons Sixth or Classic English Reader (1883)
- Swintons Third Reader (1882)
- Teachers hand-book. Hints on how to teach beginners, language, grammar, reading, orthography, arithmetic, geography, history
- Teachers manual, Story hour readings, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year (1922)
- Teaching to Read (1912)
- Texas Her Stories An Historical Reader for the Grades (1908)
- Text Book on English Literature (1899)
- The English First Reader (1854)
- The 2d-3d Reader (1907)
- The Academic Progressive Reader, Sixth Reader (1874)
- The Advanced Book of Reading Lessons, a Supplement to the Fourth and Fifth Reading Books (1871)
- The American Comprehensive Reader, Containing Exercises in Enunciation (1855)
- The American School Readers, Fifth Reader (1913)
- The American School Readers, First Reader (1911)
- The American School Readers, Fourth Reader (1911)
- The American School Readers, Second Reader (1911)
- The American School Readers, Third Reader (1911)
- The Analytical Reader, Sequel to, Putnam (1828)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books First Primer (1879)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 1 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 2 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 3 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 4 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 5 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books for Boys, Book 6 (1878)
- The Battersea Series of Standard Reading Books Second Primer (1879)
- The Beginners Reader Employing Natural Methods Part III (1892)
- The Bird-woman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, A Supplementary Reader for First and Second Grades (1905)
- The Boys and Girls Readers Fifth Reader.epub
- The Boys and Girls Readers Fourth Reader
- The Boys and Girls Readers Sixth Reader
- The Boys and Girls Readers Teachers Manual of Silent and Oral Reading
- The Childrens Primer
- The Classic Reader, a collection of extracts for reading and recitation (1866)
- The Classic Reader, a collection of extracts for reading and recitation, microform (1865)
- The Complete Reader, Book Two
- The Confederate First Reader,prose and poetry as reading exercises for the younger children (1864)
- The District School Reader Or Exercises in Reading and Speaking (1845)
- The Easy Reader or Introduction to the National Preceptor (1833)
- The Easy Road to Reading Primer (1913)
- The Elocutionary Reader or Rhetorical Class Book (1847)
- The Fifth Progressive Reader Illustrated Progressive (1873)
- The Finch First Reader (1900)
- The First Primary Reader (1859)
- The First Primary Reader With Engravings from Original Designs (1859
- The First Reader for Southern Schools (1864)
- The First Reader, designed for the use of primary schools (1864)
- The Franklin Advanced Third Reader (1880)
- The Franklin Fifth Reader (1875)
- The Franklin Fourth Reader (1873)
- The Franklin Intermediate Reader (1875)
- The Franklin New Fifth Reader (1884)
- The Franklin New Primer and First Reader (1897)
- The Franklin New Third Reader (1886)
- The Franklin Second Reader (1876)
- The Franklin Sixth Reader and Speaker (1884)
- The Gin Mill Primer a Book of Easy Reading Lessons for Children of All Ages (1898)
- The Graded-school Fifth Reader, Harvey (1875)
- The Granville Series Reading book. Standard 5 (1882)
- The Heath Readers Sixth Reader (1903)
- The Historical Reader Designed for Use of Schools and Families (1830)
- The Historical Reader Embracing Selections from Standard Writers of Ancient (1872)
- The Ives First Book
- The James Whitcomb Riley Reader, selected, graded, with suggestions (1915)
- The Jingle Primer, a First Book in reading based on Mother Goose rhymes and Folk Tales (1906)
- The Juvenile Companion and Fireside Reader Consisting of Historical and Biographical Anecdotes (1846)
- The Louisa Alcott Reader, A Supplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School (1908)
- The Metropolitan Fifth Reader (1883)
- The Metropolitan First Reader (1883)
- The Metropolitan Fourth Reader (1861)
- The Metropolitan Fourth Reader (1881)
- The Metropolitan Second Reader (1883)
- The Metropolitan Sixth Reader (1871)
- The Metropolitan Third Reader (1883)
- The Modern School Readers Fourth Reader (1880)
- The Modern School Readers Third Reader (1880)
- The National Fifth Reader, Parker (1873)
- The National First Reader, Parker
- The National Fourth Reader, Parker (1869)
- The National Second Reader, Parker (1869)
- The National Third Reader, Parker (1865)
- The National Third Reader, Parker (1873)
- The Natural Method Readers – A Primer Reader (1914)
- The New Century Fifth Reader (1899)
- The New Century First Reader (1899)
- The New Century First Reader Revised (1902)
- The New Century Fourth Reader (1899)
- The New Century Fourth Reader Revised (1902)
- The New Century Second Reader (1899)
- The New Century Third Reader (1899)
- The New England primer improved 1800
- The New Normal Fourth Reader (1906)
- The New Normal Second Reader (1894)
- The New Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1911)
- The New Third Reader (1891)
- The New-England Primer Improved (1777)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Alternate Second Reader, Progressive Readings in Nature (1892)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Alternate Third Reader, How to Read with Open Eyes (1891)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Fifth Reader (1890)
- The Normal Course in Reading, First Reader First Steps (1895)
- The Normal Course in Reading, First Reader Word Pictures Language Lessons (1895)
- The Normal Course in Reading, First Steps in Reading (1901)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Fourth Reader (1892)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Primer (1895)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Second Reader (1895)
- The Normal Course in Reading, Third Reader (1896)
- The Ontario Readers First Book
- The Ontario Readers Fourth Reader
- The Ontario Readers Primer 1909
- The Ontario Readers The High School Reader 1909
- The Ontario Readers Third Reader
- The Overall Boys in Switzerland, a Second Reader (1916])
- The Overall Boys, a First Reader (1905)
- The Phonetic Reader by Charles W Deane (1896)
- The Primary Reader designed for the younger reading classes
- The Primary Reader microform
- The Primary School Reader Designed for the First Class in Primary Schools
- The Primary School Reader, Part 3
- The Rational Method in Reading Additional First Reader Revised (1916)
- The Rational Method in Reading Additional Primer (1907)
- The Rational Method in Reading Additional Primer Revised (1916)
- The Rational Method in Reading Additional Second Reader Revised (1916)
- The Rational Method in Reading Fifth Reader (1908)
- The Rational Method in Reading First Reader (1908)
- The Rational Method in Reading Fourth Reader (1908)
- The Rational Method in Reading Introductory Second Reader (1913)
- The Rational Method in Reading Manual of Instruction, for the Use of Teachers (1896)
- The Rational Method in Reading Manual of Instruction, for the Use of Teachers Revised (1920)
- The Rational Method in Reading Primer (1896)
- The Rational Method in Reading Primer Revised (1919)
- The Rational Method in Reading Second Reader (1908)
- The Rational Method in Reading Second Reader Revised (1920)
- The Rational Method in Reading Third Reader (1908)
- The Rational Method in Reading, A Description of (1900)
- The Riverside Primer and Reader (1893)
- The Riverside Readers Eighth Reader (1911)
- The Riverside Readers First (1911)
- The Riverside Readers How to Teach Reading a Manual for Teachers using the Riverside readers (1913)
- The Riverside Readers Primer (1911)
- The Riverside Readers Second Reader (1911)
- The Riverside Readers Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Eighth Grade Reading (1914)
- The Riverside Readers Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Fifth Grade Reading (1912)
- The Riverside Readers Seventh Reader (1911)
- The Riverside Readers Third Reader (1911)
- The Royal School Primer Novia Scotia 1896
- The School Managers Series of Reading Books, Lessons from the Bible
- The School Managers Series of Reading Books, Third Standard
- The School Reader, Third book containing progressive lessons in reading 1860
- The Second Primary Reader (1858)
- The Second Primary Reader Consisting of Extracts in Prose and Verse (1860)
- The Second Reader, designed for the use of primary schools (1864)
- The Southern reader or Childs first reading book, a collection of easy and instructive lessons (1859)
- The Sprague Classic Reader, Book Four Part One (1902)
- The Sprague Classic Reader, Book Four Part Two (1902)
- The Story of Enid the Good, Supplementary Reader for Seventh Grade (1903)
- The Syllabic Primer and Reading Book (1859)pdf
- The Third Primary Reader Consisting of Extracts in Prose and Verse (1858)
- The Third Reader Consisting of Interesting and Progressive Lessons (1848)
- The Third Reader for Primary Schools (1878)
- The Third Reader, designed for the use of primary schools (1864)
- The Werner Primer for Beginners in Reading (1895)
- The Wonderful Century Reader (1898)
- The Young American, a Civic Reader (1897)
- The Young Ladies Class Book, a selection of lessons for reading, in prose and verse
- The Young Ladies Elocutionary Reader, containing a selection of reading lessons (1853)
- The Young Ladies Reader, containing Rules, Observations, and Exercises (1851)
- The Young Students First Reader, Langler and Hughes (1879)
- Third Natural History Reader
- Third Reader, Blodget (1906)
- Third Reader, California State Series (1916)
- Third Reader, Stories of Birds and Beasts (1904)
- Tropical Reading Books, Book One (1880)
- Tropical Reading Books, Book Two (1880)
- Type Lessons for Primary Teachers in the Study of Nature, Literature and Art
- Vivid Scenes in American history, a Series of Readers for Grammar Schools (1898)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Eighth Reader (1919)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Fifth Reader (1904)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations First Reader (1901)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Fourth Reader (1919)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Primer (1900)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Seventh Reader (1904)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Sixth Reader (1919)
- Wheelers Graded Literary Readers with Interpretations Third Reader (1904)
- Wooster First Reader (1915)
- Wooster Fourth Reader (1915)
- Wooster Primer (1899)
- Wooster Third Reader (1915)
- Word Mastery Typed Don Potter
- Word Studies Primary Book by Edwin Sheppe (1905)
- Word-building Fifty Lessons, Combining Latin, Greek, and Anglo-Saxon Roots
- Young Ladies Illustrated Reader

-love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott
Enjoyed examining this, very good stuff, appreciate it.